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PMID 10470409
Gene Name AR
Condition partial androgen resistance, oligozoospermia, gynecomastia, cryptorchidism
Association A new point mutation of the androgen receptor gene in a patient with partial androgen resistance and severe oligozoospermia
Mutation (GTC-> CTC) in codon 911 in exon C
Population size 1
Population details 1 partial androgen resistance and severe oligozoospermia
Age 30 yrs
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Male infertility

A new point mutation of the androgen receptor gene in a patient with partial androgen resistance and severe oligozoospermia

Knoke I, Jakubiczka S, Lehnert H, Wieacker P.

Mutations of the androgen receptor gene in genetic males cause a variety of androgen insensitivity syndromes varying from female phenotype through intersexuality to male phenotype with infertility. The identification of a missense mutation in the steroid-binding domain in an infertile male with mild features of androgen insensitivity is reported here. FAU - Knoke, I AU - Knoke I AD - Institut für Humangenetik, Universitätsklinikum Magdeburg, Germany. FAU - Jakubiczka, S AU - Jakubiczka S FAU - Lehnert, H AU - Lehnert H