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PMID | 10424817 |
Gene Name | USP9Y |
Condition | Turners syndrome |
Association |
The data suggest that one or more anti Turner genes remain to be identified in the region of Yq proximal to DFFRY |
Mutation | Deletion in most of the Yp and Yq region |
Population size | 2 |
Population details | 2 patients with Turner syndrome |
Sex | Male |
Infertility type | Male infertility |
Two male patients with ring Y: definition of an interval in Yq contributing to Turner syndrome Tzancheva M, Kaneva R, Kumanov P, Williams G, Tyler-Smith C. Turner syndrome is thought to result from the haploinsufficiency of genes on the sex chromosomes, but these genes have not been identified yet. We describe two males with deleted ring Y chromosomes, one (TS) with full Turner syndrome and one (DM) without. TS has short stature, skeletal anomalies, lymphogenic obstruction, cardiovascular abnormalities, and miscellaneous features including pigmented naevi, antimongoloid slanting of the palpebral fissures, and widely spaced nipples. In contrast, DM has short stature but no other specific Turner stigmata except high arched palate and a few pigmented naevi. Since little chromosomal mosaicism was detected, the different segments of the Y chromosome retained by these two males identify the location of one or more "anti-Turner" genes. Most of the Yp pseudoautosomal region and Yq were deleted from both patients during the formation of the ring chromosome, while the Y specific portion of Yp and the centromere were retained. The major difference detected was an interval of proximal Yq present in DM and deleted in TS. None of the previously identified genes, DFFRY, DBY, UTY, or TB4Y, lies entirely within this interval, although DFFRY was truncated by DM's breakpoint. These data suggest that one or more additional "anti-Turner" gene(s) remains to be identified in the region of Yq proximal to DFFRY. FAU - Tzancheva, M AU - Tzancheva M AD - Department of Medical Genetics, State University Hospital Queen Giovanna, Sofia, Bulgaria. FAU - Kaneva, R AU - Kaneva R FAU - Kumanov, P AU - Kumanov P FAU - Williams, G AU - Williams G |