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Gene id 80019
Gene Summary    Protein Summary    Gene ontology    Diseases    PubMed    

Gene Summary

Gene Symbol UBTD1   Gene   UCSC   Ensembl
Gene name ubiquitin domain containing 1
Alternate names ubiquitin domain-containing protein 1,
Gene location 10q24.1-q24.2 (97498923: 97571205)     Exons: 3     NC_000010.11
Gene summary(Entrez) The degradation of many proteins is carried out by the ubiquitin pathway in which proteins are targeted for degradation by covalent conjugation of the polypeptide ubiquitin. This gene encodes a protein that belongs to the ubiquitin family of proteins. The

Protein Summary

Protein general information Q9HAC8  

Name: Ubiquitin domain containing protein 1

Length: 227  Mass: 25938

Structural information
Protein Domains
Interpro:  IPR032752  IPR038169  IPR000626  IPR029071  IPR019956  
Prosite:   PS50053
STRING:   ENSP00000359698
Other Databases GeneCards:  UBTD1  Malacards:  UBTD1

Gene ontology

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GO accessionTerm nameEvidence codeGo category
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
Associated diseases References
Unexplained infertility MIK: 25753583

PubMed references

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PMID Condition Mutation Ethnicity Population details Infertility_type Associated_genes Abstract
25753583 Unexplaine
d infertil

46 (17 fertile
men, 29 male pa
Male infertility Microarray
Show abstract