Gene id |
5940 |
Gene Summary Protein Summary Gene ontology Diseases PubMed |
Gene Summary
Gene Symbol |
RBMY1A1 Gene UCSC Ensembl |
Aliases |
Gene name |
RNA binding motif protein, Y-linked, family 1, member A1 |
Alternate names |
RNA-binding motif protein, Y chromosome, family 1 member A1, RNA-binding motif protein 2, RNA-binding motif protein, Y chromosome, family 1 member A1/C, Y chromosome RNA recognition motif 1, Y chromosome RNA recognition motif 2, |
Gene location |
Yq11.223 (21534878: 21559682) Exons: 13 NC_000024.10
Gene summary(Entrez) |
This gene encodes a protein containing an RNA-binding motif in the N-terminus and four SRGY (serine, arginine, glycine, tyrosine) boxes in the C-terminus. This protein is thought to function as a splicing regulator during spermatogenesis. Multiple closely
400006 |
Protein Summary
GO accession | Term name | Evidence code | Go category |
Associated diseases |
References |
Azoospermia | MIK: 18043844 |
Male factor infertility | MIK: 17296183 |
Oligozoospermia | MIK: 8864744 |
Sertoli cell only syndrome (SCOS) | MIK: 11172293 |
Oligozoospermia | MIK: 17050323 |
Azoospermia | MIK: 7833938 |
Associated with sperm development | MIK: 15051956 |
Asthenozoospermia | MIK: 28498920 |
Male infertility | MIK: 28498920 |
Azoospermia | MIK: 11163833 |
Spermatogenic defects | MIK: 14996997 |
Male infertility | MIK: 17296183 |
May be involved in RNA processing, such as RNA splicing or RNA export which are events necessary for normal spermatogenesis | MIK: 11554984 |
Oligozoospermia | MIK: 17050323 |
Sertoli-cell-only (SCO) syndrome | MIK: 11172293 |
Teratozoospermia | MIK: 17327269 |
Condition |
Mutation |
Ethnicity |
Population details |
Infertility_type |
Associated_genes |
Abstract |
7833938 |
Azoospermi a
Japanes e
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18043844 |
Azoospermi a, Oligosp ermia
AZFa, AZFb, AZFc deletions |
30 infertile me n (17 were azoo spermic, 13 wer e severely olig ospermic)
Male infertility |
DBY sY84 RBM1 sY127 BPY2 sY254
Show abstract |
11163833 |
Azoospermi a
66 men with azo ospermia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17409464 |
Azoospermi a
Tunisia n
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17296183 |
Male infer tility
839 (627 infert ile men, 212 fe rtile men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17050323 |
Oligozoosp ermia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11172293 |
Sertoli-ce ll-only (S CO) syndro me
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9781447 |
Azoospermi a
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8864744 |
Azoospermi a, severe oligozoosp ermia
153 men with az oospermia or se vere oligozoosp ermia whose Y c hromosomes were cytogeneticall y normal
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7661932 |
Azoospermi a
Japanes e
63 men with eit her azoospermia or severe olig ospermia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15051956 |
Associated with sper m developm ent
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
14996997 |
Involvemen t in early stages of speramtog enesis
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11554984 |
May be inv olved in R NA process ing, such as RNA spl icing or R NA export which are events nec essary for normal sp ermatogene sis
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
28498920 |
Asthenozoo spermia, M ale infert ility
Copy number variations |
3127 (486 ferti le males, 2641 males with know n spermatogenes is status, 1070 Y-chromosome h aplogroup (Y-hg ) O3* or O3e ca rriers without chromosomal abe rration or know n AZF structure mutations resp onsible for spe rmatogenic impa irment, includi ng 506 men with
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17327269 |
Teratozoos permia
13 (5 controls, 8 cases)
Male infertility |
GSE6967 analyzed by GEO2R (cutoff 1.5 fold)
Show abstract |