Condition |
Mutation |
Ethnicity |
Population details |
Infertility_type |
Associated_genes |
Abstract |
23512232 |
Spermatoge nic failur e, inferti lity
DAZ copy cluster deletion |
South C hinese
186 infertile, 190 normozoospe rmic fertile me n
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
23388839 |
Azo/oligoz oospermia
AZF microdeletions, AZFc-partial deletions (6 "gr/gr", 3 "b2/b3" and 1 "b1/b3"), DAZ1/DAZ2 deletions |
400 ( 218 with secretory azo/o ligozoospermia and 182 control s (116 fertile and/or normozoo spermic, and 66 azoospermic wi th normal sperm atogenesis))
Male infertility |
AZFc region
Show abstract |
21735657 |
Idiopathic infertile men
gr/gr deletion |
5 246 cases of idiopathic infe rtility and 4 3 80 controls
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
20873591 |
Azo/oligoz oospermia
gr/gr (sY1291) deletion, b2/b3 (sY1191) deletion, sY1291deletion,sY1197 deletion, b1/b2 deletion, b1/b3 deletion |
236 (160 azoosp ermia or severe oligozoospermi a, 76 controls)
Male infertility |
AZFc region of the Y chromosome
Show abstract |
20823911 |
Infertilit y
gr/gr subdeletions, b1/b3 subdeletions, b2/b3 subdeletions |
658 (418 infert ile (236 azoosp ermic and 182 o ligospermic, 24 0 fertile men))
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
20663794 |
Infertilit y
gr/gr deletions, CDY1a+ DAZ1/2 genes were deleted |
Japanes e
772 (395 infert ile men and 377 fertile men)
Male infertility |
CDY1 and DAZ copies
Show abstract |
20039973 |
Infertilit y
gr/gr deletion, DAZ1/DAZ2+CDY1a or CDY1b deletion, DAZ3/DAZ4+CDY1b+BPY2.2, DAZ3/DAZ4+CDY1b+BPY2.3 |
Han Chi nese
2098 (1426 azoo /oligozoospermi c and 672 normo zoospermic)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19953495 |
Infertilit y
AZFb+c deletions, sY98/sY1206 deletion, AZFb deletions, P5/P3 deletion, DAZ1 and DAZ2 deletions, AZFc deletions |
49 spermatogene sis dysfunction patients
Male infertility |
AZFb AZFc region
Show abstract |
18990391 |
Infertilit y
AZFc deletions, gr/gr-deletions, DAZ deletion, |
Mixed e thnic b ackgrou nds ( M ore tha n 50% w ere of North A frican orgin ( Morocca n))
557 ( 364 infer tile (115 azoos permia, 72 seve re oligozoosper mia, 159 modera te oligozoosper mia, 18 mild o ligozoospermia) , 193 controls (84 known ferti lity, 109 normo spermic))
Male infertility |
(DAZ1/2 and DAZ3/4) CDY1
Show abstract |
17416365 |
Infertilit y
DAZ genes and AZFc subdeletion |
172 (95 inferti le, 77 controls ( 19 fertile d onors, 31 normo zoospermic dono rs with unknown fertility, 31 normozoospermic donors with un known fertility ))
Male infertility |
DAZ genes
Show abstract |
16963411 |
Infertilit y
DAZ gene copy deletions |
128 infertile, 287 normospermi c
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16674553 |
Infertilit y
gr/gr deletion, DAZ1/DAZ2 deletion |
176 (87 patient s, 89 controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16580401 |
Infertilit y
AZFc deletions (gr/gr deletion) |
721 (485 patien ts (267 idiopat hic azoospermia , 218oligozoosp ermia), 236 fer tile men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16491269 |
Infertilit y
gr/gr-DAZ1/DAZ2 deletion |
346 normozoospe rmic
Male infertility |
gr/gr–DAZ1/DAZ2 deletion b2/b4–entire DAZ deletion
Show abstract |
16078663 |
Infertilit y
DAZ1/DAZ2 deletion |
663 ( 210 contr ols, 453 patien ts (247 azoospe rmic and 206 se vere oligozoosp ermic))
Male infertility |
DAZ gene copy deletion
Show abstract |
15744033 |
Infertilit y
gr/gr deletion, b2/b3 deletion |
Caucasi an
600 (337 infert ile (73non-obst ructive azoospe rmia, 193 with severe oligozoo spermia, 71 wit h moderate olig ozoospermia) an d 263 normozoos permic fertile men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15520406 |
Infertilit y
34 partial AZFc deletions (32 gr/gr deletions) |
300 infertile ( 254 unexplained infertility wi th low of absen t sperm counts, 46 individuals with unexplain ed infertility and sperm count s of 5–1316106 spz/ml), 399 co ntrols (210 unk nown fertility status, 185 fe rtile men with one or more chi ldren, 4 normos
Male infertility |
DAZ1/3/4 CDY1
Show abstract |
15476166 |
Infertilit y
Partial copy deletion of DAZ gene family |
573 (197 patien ts with azoospe rmia, 166 patie nts with severe oligozoospermi a, and 210 fert ile men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15347736 |
Infertilit y
AZF and DAZ gene copy-specific deletion |
232 (50 control s, 91 non-obstr uctive azoosper mic males, 39 w ith Sertoli cel l-only syndrome (SCOS) and 52 with meiotic ar rest)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11870237 |
Infertilit y
DAZ gene copy specific deletion |
170 (77 inferti le patients wit hout idiopathic oligozoospermi a, 107 fertile controls )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21735657 |
Male infer tility
gr/gr deletion |
9626 (5246 case s of idiopathic infertility, 4 380 controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24878370 |
Male infer tility
Tunisia n
356 (241 infert ile men (74 azo ospermic, 76 ol igozoospermic, 91 normozoosper mic), 115 ferti le healthy male s)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
27457284 |
Male infer tility
AZFc deletion (gr/gr-DAZ2-DAZ4-CDY1b) |
Tunisia n
356 (241 infert ile men,115 fer tile healthy ma les)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |