Condition |
Mutation |
Ethnicity |
Population details |
Infertility_type |
Associated_genes |
Abstract |
12721220 |
Oligozoosp ermic, ast henospermi c, Male in fertility
35 (10 men of p roven fertility , 12 oligozoosp ermic men, and 13 asthenozoosp ermic men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16989827 |
Male infer tility
288 (96 fertile men, 96 severe ly infertile me n, and 96 infer tility patients )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18003625 |
Male infer tility
196 ((TB; 74 in fertile men ver sus 17 controls ), ejaculates ( E; 95 infertile men versus 10 controls))
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
23079002 |
Spermatoge netic defe cts
PRM1 variant rs35576928 (Arg>Ser) |
Han Chi nese
686 (309 male i nfertility pati ents (199 cases with non-obstr uctive azoosper mia and 110 cas es with severe oligozoospermia ) and 377 contr ols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15705617 |
Male infer tility
359 (272 infert ility patients, 87 fertile don ors)
Male infertility |
protamine-1 protamine-2
Show abstract |
18292846 |
Asthenozoo spermic
170 (70 normozo ospermic, 100 a sthenozoospermi c)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
25536093 |
Male infer tility, te ratozoospe rmic
138 (72 teratoz oospermia, 66 n ormozoospermic)
Male infertility |
PRM1 PRM2 and TNP2
Show abstract |
26472740 |
Male infer tility
rs35576928, rs737008, rs35262993, rs2301365, rs1646022, rs2070923 |
13517 (7350 cas es, 6167 contro ls)
Male infertility |
protamine 1 protamine 2
Show abstract |
22574365 |
Tetrazoosp ermia
PRM1(-190C- > A, rs2301365) |
Chinese Han
194 (157 infert ile men with te ratozoospermia (case group), 3 7 age-matched m ale volunteers (control group) )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22104739 |
Male infer tility, te ratozoospe rmia, azo ospermia, cryptozoos permia
PRM1 (G54A, G102T, C230A), PRM2 (C246T, G288C, G298C, C373A) |
163 (53 normozo ospermic, 60 te ratozoospermic, 50 azoospermic )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19863670 |
Male infer tility
c.54G>A, c.102G>T, c.230A>C |
Caucasi an
248 (88 patient s with idiopath ic teratozoospe rmia, 83 normal or reduced spe rm concentratio n, 77 men with a high percent age of normal s perm morphology and normal con centrations)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19602509 |
Spermatoge nic failur e
PRM1(c.65G>A -> p.S22N), PRM2 (-67C>T) |
285 (160 contro l individuals, 125 infertile m en with either idiopathic azoo spermia or olig ozoospermia)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18390561 |
Male infer tility, ab normal spe rm head mo rphology
PRM1 (-190 C-->A) |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16199539 |
Male infer tility
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17494104 |
Male infer tility, ol igozoosper mia, oligo asthenozoo spermia
PRM1 ((c.119G>A, p.Cys40Tyr), (c.102G>T, p.Arg34Ser), c.-107G>C change that is located at -15 bp, c.*51G>C variant was detected in the 3'UTR) |
281 men seeking infertility tr eatment
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18381856 |
Male infer tility
Protamine1 (c.102G->T, c.-107G->C) |
Male infrertility |
Show abstract |
12771233 |
Male infer tility
51 infertile ma les
Male infertility |
Prm1 Prm2
Show abstract |
12569175 |
Male infer tility
PRM2 (c248t alteration) |
496 (226 steril e male patients , 270 proven-fe rtile male volu nteers)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16870950 |
Male infer tility
Male infertility |
Protamine-1 (P1) Protamine-2 (P2)
Show abstract |
20675388 |
Associated wih sperm productio n and male fertility
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
20095053 |
Male steri lity
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
29227750 |
Male facto r infertil ity
PRM1 c.-190C>A, PRM1 c.197G>T, and PRM2 c.248C>T, YBX2 (c.187T>C and c.1095?+?16A>G) |
200 (100 infert ile and 100 fer tile Turkish me n)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17943087 |
Role in sp ermatogene sis
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11278223 |
Exhibit ro und sperma tids in in fertile me n
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9356170 |
Plays a ro le in sper matogenesi s
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
27216534 |
Idiopathic oligozoos permia
c.-190 C>A |
260 (130 idiopa thic oligozoosp ermia, 130 fert ile men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
26817310 |
Male infer tility
rs737008 |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
25336347 |
Abnormal p rotamine e xpression and male i nfertility
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24012201 |
Non obstru ctive azoo spermia
31 (4 controls, 27 cases)
Male infertility |
GSE45885 analyzed by GEO2R (cutoff 1.5 fold)
Show abstract |
23869807 |
Non obstru ctive azoo spermia, S ertoli cel l only syn drome
20 (4 controls, 16 cases)
Male infertility |
GSE45887 analyzed by GEO2R (cutoff 1.5 fold)
Show abstract |
21674046 |
Associated with sper matogenesi s and epig enetic reg ulation
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
28361989 |
Hyposperma togenesis
6 (3 controls, 3 Klienfelter s yndrome
Male infertility |
Show abstract |