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Gene id 4591
Gene Summary    Protein Summary    Gene ontology    KEGG pathways    Diseases    PubMed    

Gene Summary

Gene Symbol TRIM37   Gene   UCSC   Ensembl
Aliases MUL, POB1, TEF3
Gene name tripartite motif containing 37
Alternate names E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM37, RING-B-box-coiled-coil protein, RING-type E3 ubiquitin transferase TRIM37, mulibrey nanism protein,
Gene location 17q22 (59106879: 58968009)     Exons: 28     NC_000017.11
Gene summary(Entrez) This gene encodes a member of the tripartite motif (TRIM) family, whose members are involved in diverse cellular functions such as developmental patterning and oncogenesis. The TRIM motif includes zinc-binding domains, a RING finger region, a B-box motif
OMIM 605073

Protein Summary

Protein general information O94972  

Name: E3 ubiquitin protein ligase TRIM37 (EC (Mulibrey nanism protein) (RING type E3 ubiquitin transferase TRIM37) (Tripartite motif containing protein 37)

Length: 964  Mass: 107906

Tissue specificity: Ubiquitous (PubMed

Structural information
Protein Domains
Interpro:  IPR003649  IPR002083  IPR008974  IPR037299  IPR000315  
IPR001841  IPR013083  
Prosite:   PS50144 PS50119 PS50089
CDD:   cd00021 cd03773

PDBsum:   3LRQ



STRING:   ENSP00000262294
Other Databases GeneCards:  TRIM37  Malacards:  TRIM37

Gene ontology

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GO accessionTerm nameEvidence codeGo category
GO:0005164 tumor necrosis factor rec
eptor binding
IBA molecular function
GO:0005777 peroxisome
IBA cellular component
GO:0032088 negative regulation of NF
-kappaB transcription fac
tor activity
IBA biological process
GO:0036353 histone H2A-K119 monoubiq
IBA biological process
GO:0046600 negative regulation of ce
ntriole replication
IBA biological process
GO:0051865 protein autoubiquitinatio
IBA biological process
GO:0016235 aggresome
IBA cellular component
GO:0031625 ubiquitin protein ligase
IBA molecular function
GO:0051092 positive regulation of NF
-kappaB transcription fac
tor activity
IBA biological process
GO:0061630 ubiquitin protein ligase
IBA molecular function
GO:0035098 ESC/E(Z) complex
IDA colocalizes with
GO:0061630 ubiquitin protein ligase
IDA molecular function
GO:0000122 negative regulation of tr
anscription by RNA polyme
rase II
IDA biological process
GO:0036353 histone H2A-K119 monoubiq
IDA biological process
GO:0035518 histone H2A monoubiquitin
IDA biological process
GO:0005737 cytoplasm
IDA cellular component
GO:0046600 negative regulation of ce
ntriole replication
IMP biological process
GO:0008270 zinc ion binding
IEA molecular function
GO:0016567 protein ubiquitination
IEA biological process
GO:0016740 transferase activity
IEA molecular function
GO:0046872 metal ion binding
IEA molecular function
GO:0005777 peroxisome
IEA cellular component
GO:0005737 cytoplasm
IEA cellular component
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0003682 chromatin binding
IEA molecular function
GO:0036353 histone H2A-K119 monoubiq
IEA biological process
GO:0035518 histone H2A monoubiquitin
IEA biological process
GO:0048471 perinuclear region of cyt
IEA cellular component
GO:0005777 peroxisome
IEA cellular component
GO:0016567 protein ubiquitination
IEA biological process
GO:0051092 positive regulation of NF
-kappaB transcription fac
tor activity
IDA biological process
GO:0070842 aggresome assembly
IDA biological process
GO:0005829 cytosol
IDA cellular component
GO:0004842 ubiquitin-protein transfe
rase activity
IDA molecular function
GO:0051091 positive regulation of DN
A-binding transcription f
actor activity
IDA biological process
GO:0051865 protein autoubiquitinatio
IDA biological process
GO:0042803 protein homodimerization
IDA molecular function
GO:0016235 aggresome
IDA cellular component
GO:0032088 negative regulation of NF
-kappaB transcription fac
tor activity
IDA biological process
GO:0005777 peroxisome
IDA cellular component
GO:0031625 ubiquitin protein ligase
IPI molecular function
GO:0031625 ubiquitin protein ligase
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005164 tumor necrosis factor rec
eptor binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005164 tumor necrosis factor rec
eptor binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0031625 ubiquitin protein ligase
IPI molecular function
GO:0005164 tumor necrosis factor rec
eptor binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005164 tumor necrosis factor rec
eptor binding
IPI molecular function

KEGG pathways

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Pathway idPathway name
hsa04120Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis
Associated diseases References
Mulibrey nanism KEGG:H01289
Mulibrey nanism KEGG:H01289
Cryptorchidism MIK: 28606200
Spermatogenic defects MIK: 31037746
Teratozoospermia MIK: 17327269

PubMed references

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PMID Condition Mutation Ethnicity Population details Infertility_type Associated_genes Abstract
17327269 Teratozoos

13 (5 controls,
8 cases)
Male infertility GSE6967 analyzed by GEO2R (cutoff 1.5 fold)
Show abstract
17327269 Teratozoos

19 (6 controls
, 13 cases)
Male infertility GSE6872 analyzed by GEO2R (cutoff 1.5 fold)
Show abstract
17327269 Teratozoos

19 (6 controls
, 13 cases)
Male infertility GSE6872 analyzed by GEO2R (cutoff 1.5 fold)
Show abstract
28606200 Cryptorchi

Monozgotic twin
s (1 control, I
cwith cryptorc
Male infertility MeDIP-Seq
Show abstract
31037746 Spermatoge
nic defect

16 (1 control,
15 cases)
Male infertility GSE6023 analyzed using GEO2R
Show abstract