Condition |
Mutation |
Ethnicity |
Population details |
Infertility_type |
Associated_genes |
Abstract |
22723313 |
Infertilit y
12-base deletion in exon 2 (28_39del), G?T substitution at the +1 position of intron 2 (IVS2 + 1G?T), a 5? splice-donor site |
1 azoospermic, 1 oligomenorrhe a
Male infertility, Female infertility |
Show abstract |
21806667 |
Infertilit y
Gly102Ser |
Egyptia n
50 idiopathic o ligozoospermia, 39 control
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19890128 |
Infertilit y
ninebase deletion in exon 2, resulting in a deletion of amino acids 10 to 12 (histidine–proline–isoleucine) in LHb |
2 affected, 3 n ormal
Male infertility, Female infertility |
Show abstract |
17761593 |
Infertilit y
5? splice site in LHB: IVS2+1G?C |
Brazili an
3 affected
Male infertility, Female infertility |
Show abstract |
16358135 |
Infertilit y
Trp8Arg, Ile15Thr |
Brazili an
202 controls (1 15 female, 87 m ale), 48 patien ts (24 male, 24 female )
Male infertility, Female infertility |
Show abstract |
14709845 |
Infertilit y
Trp8Arg, Ile15Thr |
1 patient
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12189497 |
Infertilit y
Gly102Ser |
Male infertility, Female infertility |
Show abstract |
9075724 |
Infertilit y
Q54R |
Female infertility, Male infertility |
Show abstract |
14709845 |
Fertile eu nuch syndr ome
Trp8Arg and Ile15Thr mutations in the LH beta subunit gene |
1 Fertile eunuc h syndrome
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12620433 |
azoospermi a, oligoas thenoterat ozoospermi a, oligozo ospermia
LHB (Trp8Arg, Ile15Thr, and Gly102Ser) |
295 (95 nonobst ructive male in fertile patient s (75 with azoo spermia, 18 wit h oligoasthenot eratozoospermia , and two with oligozoospermia ), 200 healthy fertile control men )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
1727547 |
Hypogonadi sm, Sperma togenetic defects
R54N of the LH? subunit |
4 infertile
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
1730329 |
idiopathic hypogonad otropic hy pogonadism (IHH)
Male infertility |
FSH beta LH beta GnRH
Show abstract |
15602022 |
Hypogonadi sm
LHB (G36D) |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9804230 |
Idiopathic oligoasth enozoosper mia
30 (10 with pro ven fertility, 10 oligoasthen ozoospermic (OA Z) with an alte red altered mon ophasic (no fir st peak) respon se, 10 oligoast henozoospermic (OAZ) with a no rmal biphasic r esponse)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9583358 |
Oligozoosp ermia, Azo ospermia
101 (31 normozo ospermic, 57 ol igozoospermic, 13 azoospermic men)
Male infertility |
interferon alpha
Show abstract |
29476300 |
Male hypog onadism
c.84G>A[p.W28X] |
1 patient with male hypogonadi sm
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10739843 |
Male infer tility
Gly102Ser |
Singapo re Chin ese
345 (145 infert ile men, 200 he althy fertile m en)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
30173455 |
Male infer tility
rs34349826 (c.104 A>G), rs6521 (c.114 C>G) |
829 (405 males with primary in fertility (the infertility gro up), 424 normal fertile men (t he control grou p))
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21674046 |
Aberrant C pGs in Low Motility Sperm
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22412043 |
14 male patient s with partial androgen insens itivity syndrom e (PAIS)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
686399 |
Male infer tility
126 (105 men at tending a male infertility, 21 men of proven fertility contr ols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
127543 |
Male pseud ohermaphro ditism
1 male pseudohe rmaphrodite
Male infertility |
LH FSH 17 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
Show abstract |
24625916 |
Sperm DNA fragmentat ion
186 men treated for infertilit y
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18404998 |
Hypogonadi sm, male s exual matu ration and fertility
LHbeta gene (G36D) |
2 patients with delayed pubert y and infertili ty
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12931371 |
Azoospermi a, Oligosp ermia
150 (50 male pa tients with idi opathic azoospe rmia, 50 in idi opathic oligosp ermia and 50 ma le controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
23013062 |
Sertoli ce ll only sy ndrome (cS COS), matu ration arr est, hypos permatogen esis, mixe d atrophy, severe at rophy
261 (193 azo?ol igozoospermic p atients (76 ser toli cell only syndrome (cSCOS ), 31 focal SCO S, 34 maturatio n arrest, 17 hy pospermatogenes is, 25 mixed at rophy, 10 sever e atrophy), 68 infertile men ( controls))
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17722815 |
Male infer tility
100 (60 inferti le adult male N igerians (40 Ol igospermic, 20 azoopermic), 40 normospermic c ontrols of prov en fertility
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12653784 |
55 (36 patients with varicocel e (Va), 7 non-o bstructive azoo spermic men (Az ), 12 with cont rol group)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10407645 |
Azoospermi a
96 azoospermic men
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8647538 |
Maturation arrest at the sperm atid stage
41 azoospermic, infertile men
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
1860676 |
Male infer tility, Az oospermia, Oligozoos ppermia
Male infertility |
LH FSH Inhibin
Show abstract |
3101547 |
Male infer tlity, Spe rm output
533 (250 with l eft side varico cele, 250 witho ut left side va ricocele, 33 fe rtile men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
3079622 |
Sperm cell concentra tion and m otility
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11379442 |
Male infer tility
70 (39 fertile men, 31 inferti le men)
Male infertility |
EGF LH FSH prolactin
Show abstract |
8298514 |
Anovulatio n, PCOS
58 (24 women se en because of h irsutism were f ound to have ov arian dysfuncti on based on cli nical signs suc h as anovulatio n and irregular menstrual cycl es)
Femal infertility |
Show abstract |
8474219 |
142 (125 patien ts with polycys tic ovaries, 17 controls)
Femal infertility |
Show abstract |
1287208 |
30 (9 normal cy cling women in the follicular phase, 10 norma l cycling women in the luteal phase, 11 women with PCOS)
Femal infertility |
Show abstract |
23933342 |
Oligoasthe noteratozo ospermia ( OAT) syndr ome
96 patients wit h idiopathic or varicocele-rel ated OAT
Male infertility |
Show abstract |