Condition |
Mutation |
Ethnicity |
Population details |
Infertility_type |
Associated_genes |
Abstract |
24243640 |
Infertilit y
281 CHH/KS pati ents (91 untrea ted, 96 receivi ng T, and 94 re ceiving combine d gonadotropin therapy [human chorionic gonad otropin, hCG, a nd FSH]), 72 ag e-matched healt hy men
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21307139 |
Infertilit y
XXY genotype |
50 controls, 68 patients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19416190 |
Infertilit y
Two mutations in the INSL3 gene |
300 noncryptorc hid subjects, 6 00 newborns wit h cryptorchidis m (396 unilater al and 204 bila teral)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19017913 |
Infertilit y
R102C, T86M |
300 noncryptorc hid male childr en, 600 male in fants with cryp torchidism
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18611973 |
Infertilit y
93 (45 males an d 48 females)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17666478 |
Infertilit y
Danish, Finnis h
267 boys ( 151 controld, 54 Tr ansiently crypt orchid, 62 Pers istently crypto rchid), 26 pre pubertal boys ( aged 4.1–10.1 y r) , 13 healthy Danish prepube rtal girls (age d 3.7– 8.7 yr)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17559848 |
Infertilit y
205 infertile m en ( 102 azoosp ermia, 143 olig o-asthenoterato zoospermia )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17437853 |
Infertilit y
C-19G, V18M and R105H |
270 controls (1 27 fertile, and 143 fertile no ncryptorchid ma les), 184 patie nts (52 with un ilateral crypto rchidism, 37 wi th bilateral cr yptorchidism, 1 9 with cryptorc hidism and hypo spadias, 1 with bilateral cryp torchidism and micropenis, 75 with isolated h
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16926256 |
Infertilit y
47,XXY |
30 healthy boys with ISS, 14 b oys with Klinef elter syndrome (KS)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15956751 |
Infertilit y
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15755855 |
Infertilit y
47,XXY |
135 controls, 8 5 patients ( 23 infertile men, 21 anorchid me n, 21 Klinefelt er syndrome, 11 with hypogonad otropic hypogon adism and T sub stitution, 5 wi th hypogonadotr opic hypogonadi sm and human ch orionic gonadot ropin (hCG) tre atment)
Male infertility |
LH Testosterone
Show abstract |
15579790 |
Infertilit y
14 patients wit h anorchia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15579743 |
Infertilit y
47, XXY |
50 normal (40 m ale, 10 female) , 52 patients ( 5 untreated orc hidectomized me n, 9 Klinefelte r’s syndrome an d azoospermia, 32 severely inf ertile men, 6 H H)
Male infertility |
LH FSH Testosterone
Show abstract |
155335 |
Infertilit y
2 silent substitutions and one missense (A60T) substitution in exon 1 |
13 patients wit h cryptorchidis m
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15353080 |
Infertilit y
100 controls, 1 35 ex-cryptorch id patients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12970298 |
Infertilit y
INSL3 (L9L (27G->A), A60T (178G>A), L42L (126G>A), 278C>T (P93L), 304C>T(R102C), and 305G>A (R102H)), LGR8 (T222P, INV2(+15)C >T, Exon 3 (261G> A A87A), INV4(+17)T>A), Exon 12 957G> A E319E, Exon 12 993A-> G L331L, INV12( -2)A9> A13, Exon 17 1810A> G I604 |
80 controls, 87 ex-cryptorchid patients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12601553 |
Infertilit y
In exon 2, a heterozygous C/G substitution at nucleotide 2560 -> N86K , G to A substitution at nucleotide 1167 encoding alanine, G to A substitution at nucleotide 1266 encoding leucine, a G-to-A substitution at nucleotide 1318 which turned alanine into t |
Mexican mestiz o ethni c origi n
50 controls, 15 0 patients with idiopathic uni lateral (left,n 48; right, n 57) or bilater al (n 45) cryp torchidism
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11992081 |
Infertilit y
2 silent mutations, 1 missense mutations |
118 patients wi th cryptorchidi sm, 48 normal c ontrols
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11383919 |
Infertilit y
single base substitutions from G to A at position 27, 96, 126 and 178 in exon1, 178G-->A substitution ->(A60T) |
65 ex-cryptorch id patients, co ntrols
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11380919 |
Infertilit y
G to A transition at position 178 -> A60T |
Japanes e
70 controls, 5 patients with s poradic bilater al cryptorchidi sm
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11182749 |
Infertilit y
A-1G, V19L, P25S, A36T, R78H |
126 controls (1 5 normal males, 29 males with undermasculinis ed genitalia an d scrotal gonad s, 82 females), 85 patients (2 8 with isolated testicular mal descent, 24 pat ients with unde rmasculinised g enitalia and in tra-abdominal, 33 patients wit h inguinal gon
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11095425 |
Infertilit y
G->A at nucleotide position 1266 in exon 1, G->A at nucleotide position 1318 in exon1 -> A36T, a C->T mutation at nucleotide 2450 in exon2 -> R49X, C->T change at nucleotide 2511 in exon 2 -> P69L, C->T nucleotide change at nucleotide 1259 located in the |
36 male control s, 145 males ex -cryptorchidism patients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10759163 |
Infertilit y
G178A |
89 controls, 30 patients ( 7 f amilial cryptor chidism, 23 spo radic cryptorch idism)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10729310 |
Infertilit y
Europea n
31 patients wit h idiopathic bi lateral or unil ateral cryptorc hidism, 9 contr ols
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15533513 |
Infertilit y
A missense (A60T) substitution in exon 1 of INSL3 and two silent substitutions in exon 12 and one missense (I604V) substitution in exon 17 of GREAT |
13 familial cry ptorchidism
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24908673 |
Klinefelte r syndrome , Testicul ar patholo gies
91 (33 fetal an d prepubertal h uman specimens and in 58 adult testis samples from patients with testicular germ cell tumo urs,)
Male infertility |
DLK1 INSL3 COUP-TFII cytochrome P450 family 11 subfamily A polypeptide 1 (CYP11A1) and smooth muscle actin (SMA)
Show abstract |
15353080 |
Cryptorchi dism, Test icular fun ctions
235 (135 ex-cry ptorchid patien ts, 100 control s)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24826892 |
Idiopathic cryptorch idism
180 (52 cryptor chid (48 unilat eral, 4 bilater al; 26 transien t, 26 persisten t), 128 control s)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
26840636 |
Azoospermi a, Cryptor chidism
INSL3 G178A polymorphism |
146 (97 azoospe rmic patients w ith a history o f bilateral cry ptorchidism (pa tient group) ve rsus, 49 males with obstructiv e azoospermia ( control group))
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
26209787 |
Nonsyndrom ic cryptor chidism
Europea n
3562 (844 boys with nonsyndrom ic cryptorchidi sm, 2718 contro l subjects with out syndromes o r genital anoma lies)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
25728210 |
Testicular maldescen t
INSL3 gene polymorphisms (27G>A, 126G>A, 178G>A) |
220 (170 unrela ted children wi th testicular m aldescent, 50 v olunteers with normal external genitalia as c ontrols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24826892 |
Idiopathic cryptorch idism
180 (52 cryptor chid (48 unilat eral, 4 bilater al; 26 transien t, 26 persisten t), 128 control s)
Male infertility, Female infertility |
Show abstract |
20569797 |
Cryptorchi dism
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19017913 |
Cryptorchi dism
900 (600 male i nfants with cry ptorchidism, 3 00 noncryptorch id male childre n as controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17666478 |
Cryptorchi dism
314 (151 contro ls, 54 transien tly cryptorchid , 62 persistent ly cryptorchid subjects, 8 inf ant girls, 26 boys, 13 girls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17559848 |
Nonobstruc tive male infertilit y, bilater al cryptor chidism
INSL3 G178A polymorphism |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17437853 |
Cryptorchi dism
INSL3 variants (C-19G, V18M and R105H) |
454 (184 patien ts (52 presente d with unilater al cryptorchidi sm, 37 presente d with bilatera l cryptorchidis m, 19 presented with cryptorch idism and hypos padias, 1 prese nted with bilat eral cryptorchi dism and microp enis, and 75 pr esented with is olated hypospad
Male infertility |
INSL3 LGR8 receptor
Show abstract |
17028442 |
Cryptorchi dism
Ala60Thr polymorphism in INSL3 |
Japanes e
122 (62 patient s with cryptorc hidism, 60 fert ile controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16687567 |
Maldescend ed testes, infertili ty, testic ular dysge nesis synd rome
LGR8 receptor (R4H, W69R, and R72K) |
Caucasi an from differ ent reg ions of Italy
1417 (967 subje cts with a hist ory of maldesce nded testes and /or infertility and/or testicu lar cancer, 45 0 controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15956751 |
Cryptorchi dism
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15956751 |
Cryptorchi dism
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15755855 |
Hypogonado tropic hyp ogonadism, testicula r disorder s
220 (135 androl ogically well-c haracterized no rmal men, 85 pa tients with tes ticular disorde rs)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15533513 |
Familial c ryptorchid ism
One missense (A60T) substitution in exon 1 of INSL3 and two silent substitutions in exon 12 and one missense (I604V) substitution in exon 17 of GREAT |
13 individuals with personal a nd family histo ries of cryptor chidism
Male infertiltiy |
Show abstract |
15353080 |
Cryptorchi dism
235 (135 ex-cry ptorchid patien ts, 100 control s)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15353080 |
Cryptorchi dism
235 (135 ex-cry ptorchid patien ts, 100 control s)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12970298 |
Normozoosp ermia, com plete azoo spermia, b ilateral c ryptorchid ism
167 (87 ex-cryp torchid patient s, 80 controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12601553 |
Cryptorchi dism
exon 2, a heterozygous C/G substitution at nucleotide 2560 (N86K) |
150 patients wi th idiopathic c ryptorchidism
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11992081 |
cryptorchi dism
166 (118 boys w ith cryptorchid ism, 48 normal controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11746019 |
Cryptorchi dism
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11383919 |
Cryptorchi dism
G to A at position 27, 96, 126 and 178. Only the 178G-->A substitution changes codon 60 from alanine to threonine (A60T) |
65 ex-cryptorch id patients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11380919 |
Cryptorchi dism
G to A transition at position 178 of the INSL3 gene, which predicts an alanine (GCC) to threonine (ACC) change at codon 60 (designated A60T) |
Japanes e
75 (70 controls , 5 sporadic bi lateral cryptor chidism)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11182749 |
Maldescent of the te stis
A-1G, V19L, P25S, A36T, R78H |
211 (28 testicu lar maldescent, 24 patients wi th undermasculi nised genitalia and intra-abdo minal, 33 patie nts with inguin al gonads, 15 n ormal males, 29 males with und ermasculinised genitalia and s crotal gonads, 82 females)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11095425 |
Cryptorchi dism
R49X and P69L |
181 145 formerl y cryptorchid p atients, 36 adu lt male control s()
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11095425 |
Cryptorchi dism
R49X and P69L |
181 145 formerl y cryptorchid p atients, 36 adu lt male control s()
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10759163 |
Cryptorchi dism
G178A |
30 (7 with fami lial form of cr yptorchidism, 2 3 with sporadic cryptorchidism )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10729310 |
Cryptorchi dism
31 bilateral cr yptorchidism
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10319319 |
Bilateral cryptorchi dism
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
23100620 |
Important for testic ular desce nt
Male infertility |
Show abstract |