Condition |
Mutation |
Ethnicity |
Population details |
Infertility_type |
Associated_genes |
Abstract |
19811461 |
Male subfe rtility
75 male partner s of an inferti le couple
Male infertility |
IL-6 IL-8 IL-10 IL-11 IL-12 TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma
Show abstract |
19527232 |
Male infer tility
10 patients obt ained from pati ents who had un dergone orchide c-tomy resultin g from prostati c cancer treatm ent
Male infertility |
IL-6 IL-10 TNF-alpha TNFR1 and TNFR2
Show abstract |
11554690 |
Infertilit y
51 (37 infertil e and 14 fertil e men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7928663 |
Male infer tility
28 (15 infertil e men, 10 ferti le men)
Male infertility |
TNF-alpha IFN-gamma IL-1 beta IL-9
Show abstract |
26662429 |
Celiac dis ease
Italian (North east)
288 ((96 DQ2-po sitive and 96 D Q8-positive), 9 6 controls)
Male infertility, Female infertility |
IL-6 TNF-?
Show abstract |
26648778 |
Male infer tility
82 (27 healthy controls, 55 in fertile patient s (22 patients with varicocele , 13 with idiop athic infertili ty) )
Male infertility |
IL-1? IL-10 IL-18 TGF-?1 IFN-g IL-6
Show abstract |
25597177 |
Male immun e infertil ity
123 (immune inf ertility group (n = 41), other infertility gr oup A (n = 37), and other infe rtility group B (n = 45))
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24830311 |
Male infer tility
110 azoospermic men
Male infertility |
IL-6 TNF-?
Show abstract |
24029665 |
Normozoosp ermic (idi opathic un explained) , oligozoo spermic an d asthenoz oospermic
TNF-? G-308A, IL-6 G-174C substitution |
Uttar P radesh populat ion in North I ndia
520 (260 contro ls, 260 inferti le patients)
Male infertility |
TNF-? IL-6
Show abstract |
20576636 |
Infertilit y
96 (male infert ility, n = 61; female infertil ity factors, n = 35)
Male infertility, Female infertility |
Show abstract |
22654787 |
Premature Adrenarche
TNF-? gene -308 G?>?A polymorphism |
171 (73 childre n with PA and 9 8 age- and gend er-matched cont rols)
Male infertility, Female infertility |
TNF-? IL-6
Show abstract |
19811461 |
Subfertile men
73 male partner s
Male infertility |
IL-6 IL-10 TNF-alpha IFN-gamma
Show abstract |
19527232 |
Impaired h uman sperm atogenesis
39 (10 controls , 29 azoospermi c patients (9 S ertoli cell onl y syndrome, 7 u ndefined matura tion arrest, 4 maturation arre st at a spermat ocyte stage, 3 maturation arre st at a spermat id stage and OA , 6 obstructive azospermia ) )
Male infertility |
IL-6 IL-10 TNF-alpha TNFR1 and TNFR2
Show abstract |
17341438 |
Oligozoosp ermia, ast henozoospe rmia
62 (34 controls , 28 men with o ligozoospermia or asthenozoosp ermia)
Male infertility |
IL-6 IL-8 VEGF TNFalpha IL-1beta TGFbeta1 and G-CSF
Show abstract |
14555327 |
Male infer tility
Male infertility |
Fas IL-6 IL-8
Show abstract |
12623747 |
Male infer tility
70 (45 infertil e undiagnosed a nd 25 fertile m en)
Male infertility |
IL-10 IL-6
Show abstract |
11554690 |
Male infer tility
51 (37 infertil e and 14 fertil e men)
Male infertility |
IL-6 TNF-alpha
Show abstract |
24329571 |
Male infer tility, pr ostatitis and prosta to-vesicul itis
211 (169 infert ile patients (7 4 chronic bacte rial prostatiti s, 95 bilateral prostato-vesic ulitis), 42 fer tile men)
Male infertility |
TNF-? IL-6 IL-10
Show abstract |
12623747 |
Male infer tility
70 (45 infertil e undiagnosed a nd 25 fertile m en)
Male infertility |
IL10 IL6
Show abstract |
19811461 |
Obstructed azoosperm ia, asthen ospermia
73 male partner s of an inferti le couple atten ding a regional andrology unit
Male infertility |
IL-6 IL-8 IL-10 IL-11 IL-12 TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma
Show abstract |
14555327 |
Male infer tility
Male infertility |
Fas IL-6 and IL-8
Show abstract |
12623747 |
Male infer tility
70 (45 infertil e, 25 fertile m en )
Male infertility |
PGE(2) IL-10 and IL-6
Show abstract |
15166129 |
Reduced sp erm motili ty, endome triosis-as sociated i nfertility
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19239426 |
Male infer tility, Sp erm autoan tibodies, oligoasthe nospermia, asthenosp ermia
Male infertility |
IL-1beta IL-2 IL-4 IL-5 IL-6 IL-8 IL-10 IL-12p70 TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma
Show abstract |
11076089 |
Sperm moti lity
83 infertile pa tients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12619318 |
Leukocytos permia, ol igoastheno zoospermia
52 (16 fertile men, 16 with le ukocytospermia, 20 with oligoa sthenozoospermi a)
Male infertility |
IL-2 IL-6
Show abstract |
16266398 |
Sperm moti lity
340 patients to investigate ge nital tract inf lammation
Male infertility |
IL-6 elastase
Show abstract |
15533496 |
Varicocele , male inf ertility
50 (15 fertile donors (control s), 35 infertil e patients with varicocele)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10875860 |
Sperm moti lity
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9262280 |
Male infer tility
140 (21 fertile subjects, 119 patients with a range of andro logical disease s)
Male infertility |
IL-beta IL-2 IL-6 sR IL-2 SR IL-6
Show abstract |
9272207 |
Male infer tility
38 (18 fertile, 20 infertile s ubjects)
Male infertility |
IL-4 IL-6
Show abstract |
8723440 |
Sperm moti lity, male infertili ty
22 (14 infertil e males, 8 heal thy control sub jects)
Male infertility |
IL-1 IL-6 TNF alpha
Show abstract |
12202945 |
Male infer tility
79 (24 fertile men, 55 inferti le men (23 vari cocele, 14 pati ents post varic ocelectomy (pos t-varicocele), 10 male accesso ry gland infect ion, 8 bilatera l testicular at rophy )
Male infertility |
IL-6 TNF-alpha
Show abstract |
8822435 |
Oligozoosp ermia, Azo ospermia, asthenozoo spermia, v aricocele
217 (beta-endor phin (28 oligoz oospermic, 15 a sthenozoospermi c, 4 azoospermi c, 7 post-vasec tomy), IL-6 (46 oligozoospermi c, 32 asthenozo ospermic, 13 az oospermic, 10 p ost-vasectomy, 39 normozoosper mic))
Male infertility |
beta-endorphin IL-6
Show abstract |
29180110 |
Leydig cel l developm ent, Male infertilit y
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21674046 |
Aberrant C pGs in Low Motility Sperm
Male infertility |
Show abstract |