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Gene id 283677
Gene Summary    Protein Summary    Gene ontology    Diseases    PubMed    

Gene Summary

Gene Symbol REC114   Gene   UCSC   Ensembl
Aliases C15orf60, CT147
Gene name REC114 meiotic recombination protein
Alternate names meiotic recombination protein REC114, meiotic recombination protein REC114-like,
Gene location 15q24.1 (73443163: 73560012)     Exons: 6     NC_000015.10
Gene summary(Entrez) The protein encoded by this gene is orthologous to the mouse meiotic recombination protein REC114, which is involved in DNA double-strand break formation during meiosis. The encoded protein is conserved in most eukaryotes and was first discovered and char
OMIM 618421

Protein Summary

Protein general information Q7Z4M0  

Name: Meiotic recombination protein REC114

Length: 266  Mass: 29155

Structural information
Interpro:  IPR029168  
STRING:   ENSP00000328423
Other Databases GeneCards:  REC114  Malacards:  REC114

Gene ontology

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GO accessionTerm nameEvidence codeGo category
GO:0051321 meiotic cell cycle
IEA biological process
GO:0006310 DNA recombination
IEA biological process
Associated diseases References
Cryptorchidism MIK: 28606200
Teratozoospermia MIK: 17327269

PubMed references

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PMID Condition Mutation Ethnicity Population details Infertility_type Associated_genes Abstract
17327269 Teratozoos

19 (6 controls
, 13 cases)
Male infertility GSE6872 analyzed by GEO2R (cutoff 1.5 fold)
Show abstract
28606200 Cryptorchi

Monozgotic twin
s (1 control, I
cwith cryptorc
Male infertility MeDIP-Seq
Show abstract