Condition |
Mutation |
Ethnicity |
Population details |
Infertility_type |
Associated_genes |
Abstract |
24098470 |
Sertoli-ce lls-onlysy ndrome (SC OS) and an drogen ins ensitivity syndrome (AIS)
77 (23 men with obstructive az oospermia, 33 m en with SCOS az oospermia and 2 1 volunteers wi th normal semin ograms)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22761458 |
Endometrio sis
12 patients who had undergone evisceration fo r ovarian endom etrial cysts
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8872466 |
Persistent Müllerian duct synd rome
27 bp deletion in exon 10 of AMHRII, several mutations in AMH, AMHRII mutations identified |
38 families
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
26266675 |
Hypogonado tropic hyp ogonadism, constitut ional dela y of growt h and pube rty
74 (24 boys wer e diagnosed wit h HH, 22 boys w ith CDGP, pre-p ubertal (PP CDG P) at referral and 28 boys wit h CDGP)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
23869147 |
Ovarian re sponse
56 subjects enr olled for ICSI
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18547961 |
Male infer tility
27-bp deletion in the AMHR2 gene, p.A405P, p.G326V plus the p.V508A |
1 Persistentmul lerian duct syn drome (PMDS)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7962305 |
Androgen i nsensitivi ty
35 (20 patients with defects o f androgen synt hesis or action : 9 with comple te androgen ins ensitivity synd rome, 9 with a partial form, 1 patient with 3 beta-hydroxyst eroid dehydroge nase deficiency , and 1 with Le ydig cell agene sis, 15 control patients with
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
20826577 |
Hypogonado tropic hyp ogonadism
82 (16 had IHH, 15 congenital HH within CPHD, and 51 CDP)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
20980953 |
Congenital hypogonad otropic hy pogonadism (HH)
67 (39 with con stitutional pub ertal delay, 15 isolated HH, 1 3pituitary stal k interruption syndrome withou t HH)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10443662 |
Hypogonado tropic hyp ogonadism
50 (20 normal m en, in 12 patie nts with congen ital hypogonado tropic hypogona dism (CHH), and in 18 patients with acquired hypogonadotropi c hypogonadism (AHH))
Male infertility, Female infertility |
Show abstract |
22797409 |
Persistent Müllerian duct synd rome (PMDS )
c.208dup, p.Leu70fs |
1 Persistent Mü llerian duct sy ndrome (PMDS)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17020655 |
Testicular function, sexual di fferentiat ion disord ers, gonad al dysgene sis, parti al androge n insensit ivity, scr otal hypos padiasis,
79 (23 gonadal dysgenesis, 4 PAIS, 16 scrota l hypospadiasis , 20 bilateral cryptorchidism, 10 anorchia, 6 unilateral cry ptorchidism)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10905384 |
Ambiguous genitalia, gonadal d ysgenesis (GD), 3bet a-hydroxys teroid deh ydrogenase deficienc y (3betaHS D), androg en insensi tivity syn drome (AIS ), 5alpha -reductase 2 (SRD5A2 ) deficien cy
24 patients wit h sexual ambigu ity and XY kary otype (8 with g onadal dysgenes is (GD), 3 with 3beta-hydroxys teroid dehydrog enase deficienc y (3betaHSD), 5 with androgen insensitivity s yndrome (AIS), 4 with 5alpha-r eductase 2 (SRD 5A2)deficiency, and 4 were of
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8205615 |
Sex determ ination
Male infertility, Female infertility |
Show abstract |
12352359 |
hypospadia s
50 (29 boys wit h distal hyposp adias (midshaft or less), 21 n ormal boys unde rgoing circumci sion)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
26671976 |
Monorchidi sm
447 (89 boys wi th monorchidism , 358 healthy c ontrols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
25026127 |
Persistent Müllerian duct synd rome (PMDS )
p.N486T, p.V527L |
Japanes e
1 Persistent Mü llerian duct sy ndrome (PMDS)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24204987 |
Isolated h ypogonadot ropic hypo gonadism ( HH)
46 boys with HH
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
23611722 |
Persistent Mullerian Duct Synd rome (PMDS ), bilater al cryptor chidism
T to G base substitution was found at position 2219, near the middle of the exon 5, changing codon CTG to CGG in anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) gene. This mutation causes leucine to be converted to arginine at position 426 belonging to a (L)RA(L)LLLKALQ hig |
1 bilateral cry ptorchidism and normal male ex ternal genitali a, Persistent M ullerian Duct S yndrome
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
23329751 |
Unilateral orchiopex y
50 boys who wer e 1-4 years old (median, 2.4 y ears) with unil ateral cryptorc hidism
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22246809 |
Unilateral cryptorch idism
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22038452 |
Unilateral cryptorch idism, Und escended t estes
100 (50 patient s with unilater al cryptorchidi sm, 50 controls )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21486417 |
Spermatoge nic failur e, idiopat hic azoosp ermian, on obstructiv e azoosper mia (NOA), cryptorc hidismand obstructiv e azoosper mia (OA)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21285453 |
Male subfe rtility, v aricocele
92 (61 subferti le men with var icocele, 31 fer tile controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21251056 |
Klinefelte r syndrome , cryptorc hidism.
95 47,XXY patie nts
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21054481 |
Haematospe rmia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
20980953 |
Congenital hypogonado tropic hyp ogonadism
67 (39 diagnose d with constitu tional pubertal delay, 15 isol ated HH, pituit ary stalk inter ruption syndrom e (3a with [n=5 ] and 3b [n=8] without HH)
Male infertility |
AMH inhibinB
Show abstract |
20923279 |
Non-obstru ctive azoo spermia, m ale subfer tility
54 (37 with NOA , 17 fertile co ntrols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
20172518 |
Nonobstruc tive azoos permia
139 men
Male infertility |
AMH inhibin B
Show abstract |
18547961 |
Persistent mullerian duct synd rome
27-bp deletion in the AMHR2 gene, p.A405P, p.G326V, p.V508A |
1 Persistentmul lerian duct syn drome (PMDS)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18423454 |
Reduced sp erm concen tration, M aldescende d testes
199 (108 with n ormal, 60 men w ith reduced spe rm concentratio n without known cause of infer tility, 31 infe rtile men with current or form er maldescended testes)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18321497 |
Azoospermi a
82 (51 men with azoospermia, 3 1 controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19032691 |
Male infer tility
Caucasi an
82 (30 normozoo spermic healthy controls, 52 oligoasthenozoo spermic (OAT) m ales)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17926161 |
Male subfe rtility, i diopathic non-obstru ctive azoo spermia, i diopathic non-obstru ctive dysp ermia, var icocele, c ryptorchid ism
113 (82 subfert ile men, 31 con trols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17462637 |
Disorders of spermat ogenesis, nonobstruc tive azoos permia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17298717 |
Male facto r infertil ity, non-m ale factor infertili ty
129 (66 male fa ctor infertilit y, non- male fa ctor infertilit y)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15163341 |
112 (7 prepuber tal and 55 pube rtal boys with untreated grade II or III vari cocele, 7 prepu bertal and 43 p ubertal normal boys were consi dered as contro ls)
Male infertility |
inhibin B and Pro-alphaC and AMH
Show abstract |
14745940 |
Persistent Mullerian duct synd rome
27-bp deletion in exon 10 in one allele and a novel mutation in intron 5 in the other allele of the MISRII gene |
23 (1 46,XY mal e with persiste nt PMDS, 22 nor mal individuals )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
14673134 |
Persistent Mullerian duct synd rome
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11760020 |
Persistent Mullerian duct synd rome
2 brothers with bilateral cryp torchidism
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12151437 |
Sertoli ce ll-only sy ndrome, ma turation a rrest
AZF microdeletions |
39 patients wit h non-obstructi ve azoospermia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12151437 |
Sertoli ce ll-only sy ndrome, ma turation a rrest
AZF microdeletions |
39 patients wit h non-obstructi ve azoospermia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11925392 |
Spermatoge nesis
49 (39 oligozoo spermic men, 10 normal men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10438420 |
Non-obstru ctive azoo spermia, s permatogen esis
50 (18 fertile donors, 9 obstr uctive azoosper mia after vasec tomy or associa ted with defere nt duct agenesi a; and group 3, non-obstructiv e azoospermia w ith spermatogen esis deficiency and normal kar yotype (n = 23) )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10022428 |
Abnormal t esticular determinat ion, impai rment of t estosteron e secretio n, defects of male s exual diff erentiatio n
107 patients wi th ambiguous ge nitalia of vari ous etiologies. In XY patients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
1483695 |
Müllerian duct syndr ome
14-bp deletion |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
2023927 |
Persistent Müllerian duct synd rome (PMDS )
a guanine to thymine transversion at position 2096 in the fifth exon changes a GAA triplet, coding for glutamic acid, to a TAA stop codon |
3 siblings with Persistent Mül lerian duct syn drome (PMDS)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
1676417 |
Cryptorchi dism
208 (104 boys w ith cryptorchid ism, 104 age-ma tched controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
2562843 |
Persistent Müllerian duct synd rome
6 boys includin g three brother s, with the per sistent Mülleri an duct syndrom e
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11925392 |
Spermatoge nesis
49 (39 oligozoo spermic men, 10 normal volunte ers to examine the association of seminal AMH with spermatog enesis)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8737044 |
Sertoli-ce ll-only (S CO) syndro me
Male infertility |
AMH vimentin cytokeratin
Show abstract |
25269872 |
Asthenozoo spermia
153 (52 normal, 55 high sperm count, 23 asthe nozoospermia, 2 3 oligozoosperm ia)
Male infertility |
AMH inhibin B
Show abstract |
20569102 |
Male infer tility
77 (41 patients with azospermi a, 14 patients with oligosperm ia, and 22 pati ents with norma l count )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16785146 |
Non- obstr uctive azo ospermia
47 (24 infertil e patients diag nosed with non- obstructive azo ospermia, 23 no rmozoospermic f ertile men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10438420 |
Non-obstru ctive azoo spermia
50 (18 fertile donors, 9 obstr uctive azoopser mia, 23 non-obs tructive azoosp ermia with sper matogenesis def iciency and nor mal karyotype)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |