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Gene id 256933
Gene Summary    Protein Summary    Gene ontology    KEGG pathways    Diseases    PubMed    

Gene Summary

Gene Symbol NPB   Gene   UCSC   Ensembl
Aliases L7, PPL7, PPNPB
Gene name neuropeptide B
Alternate names neuropeptide B, prepro-NPB, preproneuropeptide B, preproprotein L7,
Gene location 17q25.3 (81902237: 81902904)     Exons: 2     NC_000017.11
Gene summary(Entrez) This gene encodes a member of the neuropeptide B/W family of proteins and preproprotein that is proteolytically processed to generate multiple protein products. The encoded products include neuropeptide B-23 and a C-terminally extended form, neuropeptide
OMIM 604157

Protein Summary

Protein general information Q8NG41  

Name: Neuropeptide B (Preproprotein L7) (hPPL7) [Cleaved into: Neuropeptide B 23 (NPB23) (hL7); Neuropeptide B 29 (NPB29) (hL7C)]

Length: 125  Mass: 13097

Tissue specificity: Widely expressed in the central nervous system. High levels are found in substantia nigra, hypothalamus, hyppocampus, spinal cord, placenta and fetal brain; lower levels are found in testis, uterus and ovary. Also detected at high leve

Structural information
Interpro:  IPR013298  IPR013297  
STRING:   ENSP00000332766
Other Databases GeneCards:  NPB  Malacards:  NPB

Gene ontology

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GO accessionTerm nameEvidence codeGo category
GO:0007186 G protein-coupled recepto
r signaling pathway
IDA biological process
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0001664 G protein-coupled recepto
r binding
IBA molecular function
GO:0007631 feeding behavior
IBA biological process
GO:0007186 G protein-coupled recepto
r signaling pathway
IBA biological process
GO:0001664 G protein-coupled recepto
r binding
IEA molecular function
GO:0005576 extracellular region
IEA cellular component
GO:0007218 neuropeptide signaling pa
IEA biological process
GO:0007186 G protein-coupled recepto
r signaling pathway
TAS biological process
GO:0005576 extracellular region
TAS cellular component
GO:0005576 extracellular region
TAS cellular component
GO:0005576 extracellular region
TAS cellular component
GO:0005576 extracellular region
TAS cellular component
GO:0001664 G protein-coupled recepto
r binding
IEA molecular function
GO:0005576 extracellular region
IEA cellular component
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function

KEGG pathways

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Pathway idPathway name
hsa04080Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction
Associated diseases References
Aberrant CpGs in Low Motility Sperm MIK: 21674046

PubMed references

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PMID Condition Mutation Ethnicity Population details Infertility_type Associated_genes Abstract
21674046 Aberrant C
pGs in Low

Male infertility GSE26881
Show abstract