Condition |
Mutation |
Ethnicity |
Population details |
Infertility_type |
Associated_genes |
Abstract |
23118424 |
Infertilit y
FSHB promoter polymorphism(211G3T, rs10835638) |
803 (438 contro ls, 365 patient s (269 male fac tor, 54 tubal infertility, 75 luteal insuffi ciency, 62 idio pathic infertil ity))
Male infertility |
LH testosterone progesterone
Show abstract |
22791757 |
Infertilit y
FSHB promoter polymorphism(211G3T, rs10835638) |
1213 patients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22000911 |
Infertilit y
FSHB -211 TT genotype |
762 ( 514 nonob structive azoos permia and olig ozoospermia, 24 8 normozoosperm ia)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19897680 |
Infertilit y
-211 G/T polymorphism |
Estonia n
1029 (279 infer tile, 750 idiop athic infertili ty)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15037424 |
Infertilit y
1 infertile
Male infertility |
LH testosterone prolactin SHBG Psa Inhibin-B
Show abstract |
23766128 |
Infertilit y
211 G/T |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12568849 |
Infertilit y
Cys82Arg |
1 infertile
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12161499 |
Infertilit y
Tyr76X |
Brazili an
1(primary ameno rrhea, absent b reast developme nt, infertility ), 1(infertilit y)
Male infertility, Female Infertility |
Show abstract |
12161499 |
Azoospermi a, Partial breast de velopment
FSH deficiency (Cys51Gly and Val61X) and the Tyr76X |
2 (1 male sibli ng with normal puberty and azo ospermia, 1 fem ale with partia l breast develo pment )
Male fertility, female fertility |
Show abstract |
9806482 |
Underdevel oped testi cles with azoospermi a
Cys82 --> Arg mutation (TGT --> CGT) |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9624193 |
Male hypog onadism
deletion of the second and third nucleotides (thymidine and guanine) in codon 61 |
3 (1 male hypog onadism)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
1730329 |
idiopathic hypogonad otropic hy pogonadism (IHH)
Male infertility |
FSH beta LH beta GnRH
Show abstract |
24718625 |
Oligozoosp ermia, Azo ospermia
FSHB -211G/T; FSHR -29G/A, c.2039 A/G (Asn680Ser, exon 10), |
Estonia ns, Lat vians, Lithuan ians
1623 (982; Esto nians, Latvians , Lithuanians; aged 20.2 ± 2.0 years, 641, Es tonians; aged 3 1.5 ± 6.0 years )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9583358 |
Oligozoosp ermia, Azo ospermia
101 (31 normozo ospermic, 57 ol igozoospermic, 13 azoospermic men)
Male infertility |
interferon alpha
Show abstract |
28392474 |
Isolated F SH deficie ncy, male infertilit y
c.343C > T; p.R115X |
1 patient with cryptorchidism and infertility
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
32242295 |
Spermatoge nic impair ment
c.327 C>A, p.Ser109Arg rs148454792, c.59 G>T, p.Ser20Ile rs6170 |
Caucasi an
1100 subjects
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8943525 |
Azoospermi a
51 azoospermic patients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22412043 |
14 male patient s with partial androgen insens itivity syndrom e (PAIS)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11397833 |
Spermatoge netic defe cts, Male infertilit y
Yq microdeletions |
102 infertile ( 27 had Yq micro deletions, 75 w ere classified as idiopathic i nfertiles)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10468940 |
Azoospermi a
119 (89 azoospe rmic, 30 normoz oospermic)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
686399 |
Male infer tility
126 (105 men at tending a male infertility, 21 men of proven fertility contr ols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
127543 |
Male pseud ohermaphro ditism
1 male pseudohe rmaphrodite
Male infertility |
LH FSH 17 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
Show abstract |
9623519 |
Hypogonado tropic hyp ogonadism (HH)
36 children sus pected of havin g HH
Male infertility, Female infertility |
Show abstract |
19897680 |
Male infer tility
FSHB promoter polymorphism (rs10835638; -211 G/T) |
Estonia n
1029 infertile men including 7 50 idiopathic i nfertility case s
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10668947 |
Male infer tility
99 infertile m en
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
26671976 |
Monorchidi sm
447 (89 boys wi th monorchidism , 358 healthy c ontrols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18321497 |
Azoospermi a
82 (51 men with azoospermia, 3 1 controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
20170288 |
Male infer tility
FSHR (G-29A, A919G, and A2039G polymorphisms) |
Estonia n
358 (150 (36 no n-obstructive a zoospermia and 114 individuals with oligozoos permia) patient s, 208 normozoo spermic men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
25345944 |
Azoospermi a
262 (162 azoosp ermic patients with normal FSH levels, 100 az oospermic patie nts with abnorm al FSH levels)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24752115 |
Azoospermi a, Sertoli cell only , Hyposper matogenesi s, spermat ogenic mat uration ar rest (comp lete or in complete)
95 (20 patients of Sertoli cel l only, 25 of h ypospermatogene sis, 18 of sper matogenic matur ation arrest (c omplete or inco mplete), 32 of normal spermato genesis)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24625916 |
Sperm DNA fragmentat ion
186 men treated for infertilit y
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24602753 |
Nonobstruc tive azoos permia (NO A)
140 azoospermic males undergoi ng infertility evaluation
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16266395 |
Nonobstruc tive azoos permia
51 (46 nonobstr uctive azoosper mia, 5 control fertile men)
Male infertility |
inhibin B FSH
Show abstract |
12931371 |
Azoospermi a, Oligosp ermia
150 (50 male pa tients with idi opathic azoospe rmia, 50 in idi opathic oligosp ermia and 50 ma le controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12568861 |
Azoospermi a
FSHbeta (G/T substitution in the promoter region) |
51 (19-year-old man with norma l virilization, azoospermia, 5 0 controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
23258642 |
Azoospermi a
427 (165 with t otal sperm coun t ?39 × 10(6) , 187 with total sperm count <3 9 × 10(6), 75 a zoospermic men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
23013062 |
Sertoli ce ll only sy ndrome (cS COS), matu ration arr est, hypos permatogen esis, mixe d atrophy, severe at rophy
261 (193 azo?ol igozoospermic p atients (76 ser toli cell only syndrome (cSCOS ), 31 focal SCO S, 34 maturatio n arrest, 17 hy pospermatogenes is, 25 mixed at rophy, 10 sever e atrophy), 68 infertile men ( controls))
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21790709 |
Azoospermi a, male in fertility
144 (53 patient s without cellu lar steps of sp ermatogenesis i n the biopsy, 4 1 were predicte d to be azoospe rmic based on t heir serum foll icle stimulatin g hormone level s, 27 patients with various c ellular steps o f spermatogenes is in the biops y, 23 were pred
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21341585 |
365 (97 patient s affected by v aricocele, 268 without varicoc ele)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21104644 |
Impaired s permatogen esis
84 (46 men with oligozoospermi a, 38 normozoos permic, fertile controls)
Male Infertility |
inhibin B FSH
Show abstract |
19006797 |
Male infer tility, sp ermatogene sis
Male infertility |
Inhibin B FSH
Show abstract |
17722815 |
Male infer tility
100 (60 inferti le adult male N igerians (40 Ol igospermic, 20 azoopermic), 40 normospermic c ontrols of prov en fertility
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
14620284 |
Azoospermi a
50 patients und ergoing testicu lar biopsy prio r to ICSI
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12886394 |
Azoospermi a
60 azoospermic patients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12653784 |
55 (36 patients with varicocel e (Va), 7 non-o bstructive azoo spermic men (Az ), 12 with cont rol group)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8514424 |
Male infer tility
37 (29 infertil e men with azoo /oligo/asthenot eratozoospermia , 8 controls wi th normozoosper mia)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10407645 |
Azoospermi a
96 azoospermic men
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9885627 |
Azoospermi a
87 (69 infertil e men with non- obstructive azo ospermia, 18 wi th very severe oligospermia)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9532468 |
Azoospermi a, Oligozo ospermia
Japanes e
486 male infert ility
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8647538 |
Maturation arrest at the sperm atid stage
41 azoospermic, infertile men
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7591580 |
Male infer tility, sp erm motili ty
206 male patien ts
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
1860676 |
Male infer tility, Az oospermia, Oligozoos ppermia
Male infertility |
LH FSH Inhibin
Show abstract |
2108060 |
Sperm qual ity
98 men subgroup ed into normosp ermic, oligospe rmic, and azoos permic
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
3223459 |
Idiopathic male infe rtility
48 infertile me n
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
3106397 |
Leydig cel l dysfunct ion
20 (11 sexually mature, infert ile men, 9 norm al men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
3101547 |
Male infer tlity, Spe rm output
533 (250 with l eft side varico cele, 250 witho ut left side va ricocele, 33 fe rtile men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
3079622 |
Sperm cell concentra tion and m otility
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
3116028 |
Idiopathic azoosperm ia, oligos permia
94 (20 fertile men, 74 men wit h idiopathic az oospermia or ol igospermia)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
6813148 |
Impaired S ertoli cel l function , decrease d spermato genesis
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11379442 |
Male infer tility
70 (39 fertile men, 31 inferti le men)
Male infertility |
EGF LH FSH prolactin
Show abstract |
8683833 |
Oligosperm ic
161 oligospermi c men
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7850869 |
Sertoli Ce ll Only sy ndrome (SC O), mixed atrophy
82 oligo- or az oo-spermic male patients (7 no rmal spermatoge nesis, 63 mixed atrophy (ma), 12 bilateral or unilateral Ser toli Cell Only syndrome (SCO))
male infertility |
Show abstract |
15181071 |
Male infer tility
899 (289 idiopa thic infertile men , 303 prove n fertile men ( reference group 1), 307 health y men from the general populat ion with unknow n fertility sta tus)
Male infertility |
inhibin B
Show abstract |
8306472 |
Non-obstru ctive azoo spermia, S ertoli- ce ll only sy ndrome, ol igoastheno teratozoos permia
213 infertile m en
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15948408 |
139 infertile p atients who und erwent varicoce lectomy
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
23933342 |
Oligoasthe noteratozo ospermia ( OAT) syndr ome
96 patients wit h idiopathic or varicocele-rel ated OAT
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15820827 |
Idiopathic azoosperm ic
Y chromosome microdeletions |
18 idiopathic azoospermic pat ients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15950666 |
Primary an d secondar y Sertoli- cell-only (SCO) synd rome, Azoo spermia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |