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Gene id 23446
Gene Summary    Protein Summary    Gene ontology    KEGG pathways    Diseases    PubMed    

Gene Summary

Gene Symbol SLC44A1   Gene   UCSC   Ensembl
Aliases CD92, CDW92, CHTL1, CONATOC, CTL1
Gene name solute carrier family 44 member 1
Alternate names choline transporter-like protein 1, CDW92 antigen, solute carrier family 44 (choline transporter), member 1,
Gene location 9q31.1-q31.2 (105244604: 105439774)     Exons: 19     NC_000009.12
OMIM 606105

Protein Summary

Protein general information Q8WWI5  

Name: Choline transporter like protein 1 (CDw92) (Solute carrier family 44 member 1) (CD antigen CD92)

Length: 657  Mass: 73302

Tissue specificity: Expressed in various cells of the hematopoietic system. {ECO

Structural information
Interpro:  IPR007603  
STRING:   ENSP00000363852
Other Databases GeneCards:  SLC44A1  Malacards:  SLC44A1

Gene ontology

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GO accessionTerm nameEvidence codeGo category
GO:0005829 cytosol
IDA cellular component
GO:0005739 mitochondrion
IDA cellular component
GO:0005886 plasma membrane
IDA cellular component
GO:0005886 plasma membrane
IDA cellular component
GO:0005886 plasma membrane
IDA cellular component
GO:0015220 choline transmembrane tra
nsporter activity
IDA molecular function
GO:0015871 choline transport
IDA biological process
GO:0015220 choline transmembrane tra
nsporter activity
IMP molecular function
GO:0055085 transmembrane transport
IDA biological process
GO:0150104 transport across blood-br
ain barrier
NAS biological process
GO:0150104 transport across blood-br
ain barrier
NAS biological process
GO:0015871 choline transport
IMP biological process
GO:0055085 transmembrane transport
IMP biological process
GO:0022857 transmembrane transporter
IBA molecular function
GO:0015871 choline transport
IBA biological process
GO:0015220 choline transmembrane tra
nsporter activity
IBA molecular function
GO:0055085 transmembrane transport
IBA biological process
GO:0016020 membrane
IBA cellular component
GO:0005886 plasma membrane
IBA cellular component
GO:0005886 plasma membrane
IEA cellular component
GO:0016021 integral component of mem
IEA cellular component
GO:0005741 mitochondrial outer membr
IEA cellular component
GO:0016020 membrane
IEA cellular component
GO:0005739 mitochondrion
IEA cellular component
GO:0005741 mitochondrial outer membr
TAS cellular component
GO:0005886 plasma membrane
TAS cellular component
GO:0042426 choline catabolic process
TAS biological process
GO:0055085 transmembrane transport
TAS biological process
GO:0006656 phosphatidylcholine biosy
nthetic process
TAS biological process
GO:0015220 choline transmembrane tra
nsporter activity
TAS molecular function
GO:0015220 choline transmembrane tra
nsporter activity
IEA molecular function
GO:0015871 choline transport
IEA biological process
GO:0016021 integral component of mem
IEA cellular component
GO:0055085 transmembrane transport
IEA biological process
GO:0005886 plasma membrane
IEA cellular component
GO:0005741 mitochondrial outer membr
IEA cellular component
GO:0005654 nucleoplasm
IDA cellular component
GO:0005739 mitochondrion
IDA cellular component
GO:0016020 membrane
HDA cellular component
GO:0070062 extracellular exosome
HDA cellular component
GO:0070062 extracellular exosome
HDA cellular component
GO:0016021 integral component of mem
TAS cellular component
GO:0015220 choline transmembrane tra
nsporter activity
TAS molecular function
GO:0015871 choline transport
TAS biological process

KEGG pathways

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Pathway idPathway name
hsa05231Choline metabolism in cancer
Associated diseases References
Malignant glioma PMID:26671581
Aberrant CpGs in Low Motility Sperm MIK: 21674046
Cryptorchidism MIK: 28606200
Teratozoospermia MIK: 17327269

PubMed references

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PMID Condition Mutation Ethnicity Population details Infertility_type Associated_genes Abstract
17327269 Teratozoos

13 (5 controls,
8 cases)
Male infertility GSE6967 analyzed by GEO2R (cutoff 1.5 fold)
Show abstract
17327269 Teratozoos

19 (6 controls
, 13 cases)
Male infertility GSE6872 analyzed by GEO2R (cutoff 1.5 fold)
Show abstract
21674046 Aberrant C
pGs in Low

Male infertility GSE26881
Show abstract
28606200 Cryptorchi

Monozgotic twin
s (1 control, I
cwith cryptorc
Male infertility MeDIP-Seq
Show abstract