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Gene id 166824
Gene Summary    Protein Summary    Gene ontology    KEGG pathways    Diseases    PubMed    

Gene Summary

Gene Symbol RASSF6   Gene   UCSC   Ensembl
Gene name Ras association domain family member 6
Alternate names ras association domain-containing protein 6, Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family 6, Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 6, putative RAS binding protein,
Gene location 4q13.3 (73620630: 73571549)     Exons: 9     NC_000004.12
Gene summary(Entrez) This gene encodes a member of the Ras-association domain family (RASSF). Members of this family form the core of a highly conserved tumor suppressor network, the Salvador-Warts-Hippo (SWH) pathway. The protein encoded by this gene is a Ras effector protei
OMIM 612620

Protein Summary

Protein general information Q6ZTQ3  

Name: Ras association domain containing protein 6

Length: 369  Mass: 43384

Tissue specificity: Highest expression in thymus, kidney and placenta. Also detected in colon, small intestine and lung. Tends to be down-regulated in 30-60% of tumors derived from breast, colon, kidney liver, rectum, pancreas, stomach and the thyroid gla

Structural information
Protein Domains
Interpro:  IPR033614  IPR000159  IPR033625  IPR011524  IPR029071  
Prosite:   PS50200 PS50951
STRING:   ENSP00000340578
Other Databases GeneCards:  RASSF6  Malacards:  RASSF6

Gene ontology

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GO accessionTerm nameEvidence codeGo category
GO:0007165 signal transduction
IEA biological process
GO:0042981 regulation of apoptotic p
IEA biological process
GO:0006915 apoptotic process
IEA biological process
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function
GO:0005515 protein binding
IPI molecular function

KEGG pathways

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Pathway idPathway name
hsa04390Hippo signaling pathway
hsa04392Hippo signaling pathway - multiple species
Associated diseases References
Aberrant CpGs in Low Motility Sperm MIK: 21674046
Teratozoospermia MIK: 17327269

PubMed references

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PMID Condition Mutation Ethnicity Population details Infertility_type Associated_genes Abstract
17327269 Teratozoos

19 (6 controls
, 13 cases)
Male infertility GSE6872 analyzed by GEO2R (cutoff 1.5 fold)
Show abstract
21674046 Aberrant C
pGs in Low

Male infertility GSE26881
Show abstract