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Gene id 122618
Gene Summary    Protein Summary    Gene ontology    KEGG pathways    Diseases    PubMed    

Gene Summary

Gene Symbol PLD4   Gene   UCSC   Ensembl
Aliases C14orf175
Gene name phospholipase D family member 4
Alternate names 5'-3' exonuclease PLD4, phospholipase D4, PLD 4, choline phosphatase 4, phosphatidylcholine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D4,
Gene location 14q32.33 (132814568: 132817563)     Exons: 6     NC_000006.12
OMIM 618488

Protein Summary

Protein general information Q96BZ4  

Name: 5' 3' exonuclease PLD4 (EC (Choline phosphatase 4) (Phosphatidylcholine hydrolyzing phospholipase D4) (Phospholipase D family member 4) (Phospholipase D4) (PLD 4)

Length: 506  Mass: 55626

Structural information
Protein Domains
1 (/note="PLD-phosphodiesterase)
2 (/note="PLD-phosphodiesterase)
Interpro:  IPR032803  IPR001736  
Prosite:   PS50035
STRING:   ENSP00000376372
Other Databases GeneCards:  PLD4  Malacards:  PLD4

Gene ontology

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GO accessionTerm nameEvidence codeGo category
GO:0045335 phagocytic vesicle
IBA cellular component
GO:0005634 nucleus
IBA cellular component
GO:0002244 hematopoietic progenitor
cell differentiation
IBA biological process
GO:0032588 trans-Golgi network membr
IBA cellular component
GO:0006909 phagocytosis
IBA biological process
GO:0005783 endoplasmic reticulum
IBA cellular component
GO:0032588 trans-Golgi network membr
ISS cellular component
GO:0005789 endoplasmic reticulum mem
ISS cellular component
GO:0006909 phagocytosis
ISS biological process
GO:0045335 phagocytic vesicle
ISS cellular component
GO:0005634 nucleus
ISS cellular component
GO:0004630 phospholipase D activity
ISS NOT|molecular function
GO:1900015 regulation of cytokine pr
oduction involved in infl
ammatory response
ISS biological process
GO:0045145 single-stranded DNA 5'-3'
exodeoxyribonuclease act
ISS molecular function
GO:0004630 phospholipase D activity
ISS NOT|molecular function
GO:0045335 phagocytic vesicle
ISS cellular component
GO:0005769 early endosome
ISS cellular component
GO:0005634 nucleus
ISS cellular component
GO:0003824 catalytic activity
IEA molecular function
GO:0031410 cytoplasmic vesicle
IEA cellular component
GO:0045087 innate immune response
IEA biological process
GO:0004518 nuclease activity
IEA molecular function
GO:0005794 Golgi apparatus
IEA cellular component
GO:0005783 endoplasmic reticulum
IEA cellular component
GO:0005768 endosome
IEA cellular component
GO:0016787 hydrolase activity
IEA molecular function
GO:0002376 immune system process
IEA biological process
GO:0005634 nucleus
IEA cellular component
GO:0004527 exonuclease activity
IEA molecular function
GO:0006954 inflammatory response
IEA biological process
GO:0016021 integral component of mem
IEA cellular component
GO:0016020 membrane
IEA cellular component
GO:0005789 endoplasmic reticulum mem
TAS cellular component
GO:0043647 inositol phosphate metabo
lic process
TAS biological process
GO:0005789 endoplasmic reticulum mem
IEA cellular component
GO:0005794 Golgi apparatus
IEA cellular component
GO:0005769 early endosome
IEA cellular component
GO:0005634 nucleus
IEA cellular component
GO:0045335 phagocytic vesicle
IEA cellular component
GO:0090305 nucleic acid phosphodiest
er bond hydrolysis
IEA biological process
GO:0090305 nucleic acid phosphodiest
er bond hydrolysis
IEA biological process
GO:0090305 nucleic acid phosphodiest
er bond hydrolysis
IEA biological process
GO:0006259 DNA metabolic process
IEA biological process

KEGG pathways

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Pathway idPathway name
hsa01100Metabolic pathways
hsa00564Glycerophospholipid metabolism
hsa00565Ether lipid metabolism
Associated diseases References
Aberrant CpGs in Low Motility Sperm MIK: 21674046
Cryptorchidism MIK: 28606200
Teratozoospermia MIK: 17327269

PubMed references

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PMID Condition Mutation Ethnicity Population details Infertility_type Associated_genes Abstract
17327269 Teratozoos

13 (5 controls,
8 cases)
Male infertility GSE6967 analyzed by GEO2R (cutoff 1.5 fold)
Show abstract
21674046 Aberrant C
pGs in Low

Male infertility GSE26881
Show abstract
28606200 Cryptorchi

Monozgotic twin
s (1 control, I
cwith cryptorc
Male infertility MeDIP-Seq
Show abstract
28606200 Cryptorchi

Monozgotic twin
s (1 control, I
cwith cryptorc
Male infertility MeDIP-Seq
Show abstract
28606200 Cryptorchi

Monozgotic twin
s (1 control, I
cwith cryptorc
Male infertility MeDIP-Seq
Show abstract