Condition |
Mutation |
Ethnicity |
Population details |
Infertility_type |
Associated_genes |
Abstract |
19095672 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
62 (26 CBAVD ma les, 20 azoospe rmic patients w ithout CBAVD, 1 6 controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
26277102 |
congenital absence o f vas defe rens (CAVD )
c.4433C>G, c.3469-3C>A, c.1357delT, and c.3407C>T |
19 patients wit h CAVD and azoo spermia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11466205 |
Severe mal e infertil ity, azoos permia, se vere oligo zoospermia
50 (20 CAVD, 30 non-CAVD)
Male infertility, Female infertility |
Show abstract |
25898554 |
Congenital unilatera l absence of the vas deferens (CUAVD)
c. 592G > C in exon 6, c. 1210-12T[5] was observed in the noncoding region before exon 10, V470 haplotype in exon 11 |
6 azoospermia p atients with CU AVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
25895795 |
Non-CBAVD obstructiv eazoosperm ia, sperma togenic fa ilure
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
25617301 |
Non-CBAVD obstructiv eazoosperm ia, sperma togenic fa ilure
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
25386751 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CBAV D)
F508del, G542X, N1303K, 621+1G->T, G551D, R553X, R1162X, W1282X, R117H, 2184insA and 1717-1G->A and IVS8polyT variants |
505 ( 369 infer tile men with d ifferent impair ment of spermat ogenesis, 136 f ertile controls )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
25010724 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
R1358I, K1351R, F508del mutation |
210 (60 males w ith non-CBAVD o bstructive azoo spermia, 150 sp ermatogenic fai lure)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24850600 |
Male infer tility
118 men with in fertility
Male infertility |
AZFc-locus AR CFTR
Show abstract |
24581531 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens, acquired o bstructive azoosperm ia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24551851 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens
TG13T5, TG12T5, TG12T5-V470 |
192 (89 patient s with CBAVD, 1 03 healthy male s)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24327157 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CBAV D)
5T polymorphism |
Han Chi nese
132 (33 individ uals with CBAVD , 99 azoospermi c males with CB AVD)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24077955 |
Sperm qual ity
201 (20-40 year s, n=64; 40-60 years, n=61; an d >60 years, n= 76)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
23998339 |
Sperm prog ressive mo tility, te ratospermi a, astheno teratosper mia, asthe nospermia and oligos permia
282 healthy and fertile men wi th normal semen parameters
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
23953609 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CBAV D), other obstructiv e azoosper mia
I556V, M469V, E527N, F508del, S485C, and I558S |
601( 401 (158 w ith CBAVD, 243 with other acqu ired obstructiv e azoospermia), 200 fertile me n as controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
23378603 |
CBAVD, oth er CFTR-re lated diso rders
p.Arg117His |
179 non-newborn French individ uals (83 isolat ed CBAVD, 67 ot her CFTR-relate d phenotypes, 4 4 CBAVD with pu lmonary and/or pancreatic symp toms, 12 asympt omatic cases)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
23214250 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CBAV D)
27 exons of the CFTR |
9 patients with CBAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22989055 |
Spermatoge netic defe cts, Male infertilit y
Caucasi an
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22842702 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
F508del, 5T mutation, IVS8-5T linked to either 12 or 13 TG repeats, TG12-5T-V470 haplotype |
213 (109 Chines e infertile mal es with CBAVD, 104 normal cont rols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22483971 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
73 CBAVD patien ts
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22191729 |
Spermatoge netic defe cts, Male infertilit y
109 with CFTR g ene polymorphis m
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22148899 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CBAV D), Male i nfertility
F508del, G542X, W1282X, M470V and D1270N, E1104X, 711+1G ? T, V201M (TG) m and IVS8-5T |
20 male patient s with cystic f ibrosis and in whom bilateral absence of vas deferens was co nfirmed
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22103471 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD), id iopathic o bstructive azoosperm ia
IVS8-Tn(TG)m polymorphisms, p.F508del, p.G542X, p.N1303K, p.S549N, p.I507del, and p.R117H |
49 (16 CBAVD, 3 3 idiopathic az oospermic cases )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21762191 |
congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
IVS8-polyT |
Tunisia n
457 (148 infert ile patients, 1 26 fertile indi viduals, 129 in fertile patient s, 54 controls )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21520337 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD), id iopathic o bstructive azoosperm ia
p.Asn34Ser |
624 (305 patien ts, 319 control s)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21427159 |
Spermatoge netic defe cts, Male infertilit y
IVS8 c.1210-12T[5_9], c.1210-35_1210-12GT[8_12] |
Chinese Han
508 (126 non-ob structive azoos permia, 169 sev ere oligospermi a and 213 ferti le male control s)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21254931 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD), id iopathic o bstructive azoosperm ia
pT438A, c.4095+30insCT, c.-737G>A, and c.2909-92A>G, F508delp.E217Gfs*11 and p.A1285V |
85 (35 CBAVD pa tients, 50 cont rols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21250548 |
Idiopathic spermatog enetic fai lure
F508del, 5T allele of polymorphic locus IVS8polyT |
80 infertile me n with idiopath ic spermatogene tic failure(36 patients with a spermia, 19 pat ients with azoo spermia and 25 patients with severe oligoast henoteratozoosp ermia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
20972246 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD), id iopathic o bstructive azoosperm ia
4 bp sequence repeats (TAAA)(6) and (TAAA)(8) in intron 9 in two CBAVD patients heterozygote for either the -33G?A promoter transition or the classical [TG12T5] |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19298730 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD), ob structive azoospermi a
TG(13)T(2) allele, TG(11)T(9); R117H; p.Met470Val |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19181743 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
L69H, F87I, G126S, F157C, E543A, Y852F and D1270E, T5 allele, F508del |
50 males diagn osed with unila teral or bilate ral absence of vas deferens
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18810634 |
Congenital absence o f the vas deferens
c.1521_1523delCTT, c.1521_1523delCTT/c.3717 + 10 kbC>T |
50 CF subjects
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18304229 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CBAV D)
I556V |
Japanes e
1 Congenital bi lateral absence of vas deferen s (CBAVD)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18050608 |
Azoospermi a, oligosp ermia or a sthenotera tozoosperm ia.
F508del, IVS8-T |
93 infertile me n, diagnosed wi th either azoos permia, oligosp ermia or asthen oteratozoosperm ia.
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17823699 |
Congenital absence o f vas defe rens
S753R and G149W, IVS8-5T allele |
Brazili an
3 patients with CBAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17673436 |
Congenital absence o f vas defe rens
IVS8-5T |
119 (112 CBAVD and 7 CUAVD pat ients)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17617039 |
Male infer tility
4016insT D1152H |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17580535 |
Male infer tility
F508del |
33 men with oli go- or azoosper mia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17448246 |
congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
(c.54-5811_c.164+2186del8108ins182) [or CFTRdele2], (c.3964-3890_c.4443+3143del9454ins5) [or CFTRdele 22_24] |
32 CBAVD patien ts
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17329263 |
congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
222 CBAVD patie nts
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17314234 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
(TG)(m)(T)(n) polymorphisms |
203 (112 CBAVD, 7 congenital u nilateral absen ce of the vas d eferens males, 84 fertile cont rols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17175965 |
Unilateral agenesis of the vas deferens
DeltaF508 / V938G |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16973827 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
Y122H, T338A, IVS8-5T, K536X |
164 (112 Irania n CBAVD males, 52 fertile male s)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16714368 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
M470V, F508del carriers |
106 patients wi th Congenital b ilateral absenc e of the vas de ferens (CBAVD)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16639412 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16581722 |
Bilateral agenesis o f the vas deferens
F508/IVS8-5T |
Brazili an
52 (40 white in dividuals with agenesis of the vas deferens, 12 siblings wit hout agenesis o f the vas defer ens)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16572913 |
Male infer tility, az oospermioa , cryptozo ospermia, oligoasthe noteratozo ospermia
R810G |
188 infertile m en (100 patient s with azoosper mia, 38 with cr yptozoospermia and 50 with oli goasthenoterato zoospermia)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16481891 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
IVS8-5T |
48 men with CBA VD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16414184 |
Sperm fert ilizing ca pacity
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16412743 |
Male infer tility, ol igozoosper mia, asthe nozoosperm ia, terato zoospermia , cryptozo ospermia, oligoasthe noteratozo ospermia, or azoospe rmia
IVS8T alleles |
597 males with oligo-, astheno -, terato-, cry pto-, oligoasth enoteratozoospe rmia, or azoosp ermia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16272798 |
CBAVD-depe ndent male infertili ty
R117H, DeltaF508, |
Austria n
22 CBAVD patien ts
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16128988 |
Male infer tility
IVS8-6(5T) allele |
170 (83 non-obs tructive (NOb) infertility, 87 clinically wel l-defined ferti le individuals as controls)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
16126774 |
Male infer tility
5T polymorphism |
22386 (20,532 c ontrols, 1854 i diopathically i nfertile cases)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15905293 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
p.V201M, p.N287K, c.-8G > C (125G > C), p.M469I and p.S895N |
Asian/T aiwanes e
36 infertile ma les with CBAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15644056 |
Male infer tility
DeltaF508, R117H, IVS8-5T |
282 infertile m ale patients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15580565 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CBAV D)
[TG11T7; p.Phe508Cys; p.Met470Val], TG12T3 |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15533353 |
Semen visc osity
(TG)mTn polymorphic tracts |
118 (46 inferti le couples with sine causa hig h semen viscosi ty, 72 normospe rmic men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15357566 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CBAV D)
exon 17b (3373G>C) |
1 congenital bi lateral absence of the vas def erens
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15333598 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CBAV D)
F508del, R334W, CFTR+5T |
Portuge se
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15239534 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CBAV D)
deltaF508, G542X, R117H, R347P |
Argenti ne
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15070876 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CBAV D)
IVS8-5T and D1152H |
51 with CBAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
14747162 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CBAV D)
5T/7T, 5T/5T, Delta F508 or R117H |
Taiwane se
73 (27 cases, 4 6 normal fertil e males as cont rols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12660625 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CAVD ), cystic fibrosis
5-thymidine variant of the polythymidine tract of intron 8 of CFTR |
35 infertile ma lea
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12422349 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD), ob structive azoospermi a, male in fertility
1 congenital bi lateral absence of the vas def erens
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12151438 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
100 CF mutations |
92 men with CBA VD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12073281 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD), az oospermia, male infe rtility, o ligospermi a
delta F508 and delta 1507 (heteroduplex analysis), 621 + 1 G-->T, and N1303K (PSM--PCRmediated site-specific mutagenesis), A455E, 1717-1 G-->A, S549N, R560T, W1282X, R334W, R347P, R117H, 3849 + 10 kb C-->T and Tn, F508C, 1507V, 1506V polymorphisms (revers |
21 infertile me n with oligo or azoospermia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12009340 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
13 most common CFTR gene mutations, 5T allele and for the 5-thymidine variant of intron 8 |
47 infertile me n lacking at le ast one vas def erens
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11574497 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
22 CF mutations |
50 patients wit h CBAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11466205 |
Male infer tility
50 (20 CAVD, 30 non- CAVD)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11247407 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD), Ob structive azoospermi a
35 congenital b ilateral absenc e of the vas de ferens (CBAVD)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11101688 |
Congenital absence o f the vas deferens ( CAVD)
2789+2insA, L1227S, 4428insGA, DeltaDeltaF508 mutation, R117H |
47 males with a nomalies of the vas deferens
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10932005 |
Congenital unilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CUAVD)
Leucine(codon 1055, CTT) to Isoleucine(codon ATT) |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10878476 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
R766M, R792G |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10871656 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
IVS8-(5T) |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10923036 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
F508del, G542X, N1303K, and 1717-1G>A |
800 with congen ital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (C BAVD)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10875853 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
134 Spanish CAV D patients [110 congenital bil ateral absence of the vas defe rens (CBAVD) an d 24 CUAVD]
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10856487 |
Obstructiv e azoosper mia
59 men with obs tructive azoosp ermia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10655318 |
Male infer tility ,sp ermatogeni c dysfunct ion
spermatogenic dysfunction |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10653141 |
Congenital absence o f the vas deferens
Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) |
37 patients wit h CBAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10651488 |
Congenital absence o f the vas deferens
D513G (A-->G at position 1670), AEF508, AE1507, D513G, M470V, E528E (1716 G>A) |
83 patients wit h CBAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10601093 |
Congenital absence o f the vas deferens
CFTR haplotype (TG11-T7-G1540) |
100 (56 patient s with severe o ligoasthenotera tozoospermia (O AT), 50 control s)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10376575 |
Congenital absence o f the vas deferens, obstructiv e azoosper mia
31 most common CFTR mutations |
198 (149 obstru ctive azoosperm ia, 49 nonobstr uctive azoosper mia as controls , 64 CBAVD, 10 CUAVD, 75 epidi dymal obstructi on)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10200050 |
Congenital absence o f the vas deferens, obstructiv e azoosper mia
P111L, M244K, A1364V, G544V, 2896insAG,-33G->A |
Souther n franc e
64 men with CBA VD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10066035 |
Congenital absence o f the vas deferens, obstructiv e azoosper mia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10050655 |
Congenital absence o f the vas deferens, obstructiv e azoosper mia
8 5T splice variant, IVS-5T, deltaF508, 541 (L541P) |
Egyptia n
36 (20 CBAVD ma les, 16 of the males without a ssociated renal abnormalities)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9797105 |
Absence of the vas d eferens
46 infertile me n with absence of the scrotal vas deferens an d no signs of c ystic fibrosis
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9736775 |
congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
IVS8-6(T) n |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9695373 |
Azoospermi a
DF508, G542X, N1303K, 1717-1(G- > A), W1282X, G551D, R553X i DI507 |
24 infertile
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9678705 |
congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
5T allele, V allele, M470V |
60 patients wit h CBAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9675940 |
congenital bilateral agenesis of the vas deferens, cystic fi brosis
G542X |
3 azoospermic p atients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9630075 |
congenital bilateral agenesis of the vas deferens
W1282X, P499A |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9598638 |
congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
41 patients wit h CBAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9412228 |
Agenesis o f vas defe rens
4 bilateral age nesia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9345100 |
Bilateral ejaculator y-duct obs truction a nd anomali es of the seminal ve sicles
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9334604 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens, cystic fib rosis
131 brothers of men with conge nital bilateral absence
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9272157 |
Congenital absence o f the vas deferens ( CAVD)
delta F508, R117H |
106 CAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9150843 |
Congenital absence o f the vas deferens ( CAVD)
64 males with CBAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9067761 |
congenital bilateral agenesis of the vas deferens
S50Y and 4173delC |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9043501 |
congenital bilateral agenesis of the vas deferens
Scotlan d
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9026991 |
congenital bilateral aplasia o f vas defe rens (CBAV D)
8 patients with CBAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8627844 |
congenital absence o f the vas deferens
104 subfertile men with congen ital absence of the vas defere ns (84 bilatera lly and 20 unil aterally)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8834261 |
CFTR gene exon 8 (L375F) |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8829643 |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8557264 |
38 patients wit h CBAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7573058 |
congenital absence o f vas defe rens
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7545847 |
Congenital agenesis of the vas deferens
delta F 508, R 117 H |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7540706 |
obstructiv e azoosper mia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7739684 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
5T allele |
102 patients wi th CBAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7539342 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
delta F508 (14 cases), R117H (7 cases), R1070W (2 cases), 621 + 1 G --> T (1 case), and A1067V (1 case) |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7539210 |
Congenital bilateral aplasia o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
11 families
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7532150 |
Congenital absence o f the vas deferens
delta F508/L206W, delta F508/R74W + D1270N, R117H/712-1G --> T |
40 infertile pa tients with con genital absence of the vas def erens
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8556303 |
Congenital bilateral aplasia o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
CFTR intron 8 (TG)n 5T allele |
45 azoospermic individuals
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7529962 |
Congenital bilateral aplasia o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
A800G, G149R, R258G, delta F508 and E193K |
67 men with CBA VD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7513294 |
Azoospermi c men with congenita l bilatera l aplasia of epididy mis or vas deferens
12 unrelated in fertile men wit h abnormalities of the vas def erens and/or ep ididymis
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7516233 |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7505692 |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7692051 |
Male infer tility, cy stic fibro sis
R117H |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
7686336 |
congenital bilateral aplasia o f the vas deferens
delta F508 and F508C |
1 congenital bi lateral aplasia of the vas def erens
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8473422 |
Bilateral congenital absence o f the vas deferens ( CAVD)
Delta F-508/R117H, one with R553X/R117H |
125 (44 patient s with CAVD and their wives, 2 4 of their pare nts, and 13 of their offspring )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
25246892 |
Male infer tility
M469I mutation in Exon 10 CFTR gene |
Taiwane se
170 (110 patien ts (90 non obst ructive, 20 obs tructive), 60 n ormal individua ls )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15705389 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
7T/7T homozygote at IVS8-T, with a 4000C-->T change (P1290S) in exon 20 of the CFTR gene, 3272-26A-->G mutation |
161 (109 fertil e men, 32 patie nts with CBAVD, 15 children ca rriers of one C FTR mutation, a nd 5 patients w ith CF)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
11788091 |
Obstructiv e and nono bstructive infertili ty
Sloveni a
277 (80 men wit h idiopathic az oospermia, 50 m en with severe oligozoospermia , 70 men with o ligoasthenotera tozoospermia, a nd 7 men with c ongenital bilat eral absence of the vas defere ns (CBAVD), as well as 95 cont rols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17928628 |
Azoospermi a
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18616886 |
Male infer tility
CFTR (IVS8-Tn, IVS8-TG12, IVS8-5T) |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24958810 |
Congenital absence o f the vas deferens
p.Phe508del, p.Arg117His, IVS8-T5 allele |
60 consecutive infertile males with a diagnos is of CAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24559724, 24636394 |
?F508 |
945 (352 were d iagnosed as hav ing CBAVD, 148 were diagnosed as having infec tive/inflammato ry obstruction, 42 were diagno sed as having v asectomy obstru ction, and 403 were diagnosed as having idiop athic epididyma l obstruction)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22340520 |
Congenital absence o f vas defe rens (CAVD ), bilate ral (CBAVD ), unilate ral aplasi a (CUAVD),
123 (110 patien ts, the conditi on was bilatera l (CBAVD), 13 m en had unilater al aplasia (CUA VD), and 10 pat ients additiona lly had aplasia of one kidney)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
20734777 |
Male infer tility
IVS8-5T, F508del, CFTRdele2,3 (21kb), W1282X, 2143delT, 3849+10kbC>T, L138ins, 1677delTA, 2184insA, 3821delT, G542X, N1303K, R334W |
963 infertile m en
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
20657600 |
38 (23 CBAVD pa tients, 15 of w hom had a singl e CFTR mutation )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
20021716 |
congenital absence o f the vas deferens ( CAVD), azo ospermia, oligozoosp ermia
476 (310 infert ile men (25 wit h congenital ab sence of the va s deferens (CAV D), 116 with no n-CAVD azoosper mia, 169 with s evere oligosper mia), 70 female partners and 9 6 healthy contr ols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19893581 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CBAV D)
CFTR (621+3 A>G, Q552X) |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19170365 |
Reproducti ve disorde res
F508del (heterozygotes) in CFTR gene with T5 variant in trans position |
268 (164 men wi th reproductive disorders, 104 gamete donors)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17572159 |
Male infer tility, ob structive azoospermi a
CFTR (F508del, G542X and N1303K) |
Algeria , Tunis ia, Eur opean
127 (81 Algeria n patients, 46 unrelated Alger ian individuals with obstructi ve azoospermia)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15870824 |
CFTR ( TG-M470V-5T, 12TG-V470) |
139 patients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
19923167 |
Sperm fert ilizing ca pacity
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
1975022 |
Congenital aplasia o f epididym is and vas deferens
CF (delta F508) |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10601093 |
Male infer tility
106 (56 patient s with severe o ligoasthenotera tozoospermia (O AT), 50 control s)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10200050 |
CBAVD (P111L, M244K, A1364V, G544V, 2896insAG,-33G->A, DF508 + A1067T) |
Souther n franc e
64 patients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8564145 |
Male infer tility
3849+10kb C > T |
Hispani c
1 with bronchie ctasis, normal sweat electroly tes, pancreatic sufficiency, d elayed progress ion of pulmonar y disease, and a sperm biopsy consistent with fertility
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8301660 |
(D1270N, G576A, AF508) |
35 men particip ating in a MESA (microscopic e pididymal sperm aspiration) pr ogramme for cys tic fibrosis ca rrier status
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8495645 |
Bilateral congenital ductus de ferens apl asia
1 patient with azoospermia cau sed by bilatera l aplasia of th e vas deferens and his wife
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10655318 |
Primary te sticular f ailure
CFTR ( 5T variant of the IVS8-T tract ) |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
10376575 |
Obstructiv e azoosper mia
CFTR (intron 8 (IVS8-5T)) |
198 (149 obstru ctive azoosperm ia (64 had cong enital bilatera l absence of th e vas deferens (CBAVD), 10 had congenital uni lateral absence of the vas def erens (CUAVD), and 75 had epid idymal obstruct ion), 49 nonobs tructive azoosp ermia)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9620832 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD), Az oospermia, Oligozoos permia
CFTR (three allele (5T, 7T, 9T) polymorphic tract of thymidines in intron 8 (IVS8-polyT)) |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
22390181 |
Male infer tility, co ngenital b ilateral a bsence of vas defere ns (CBAVD)
F508del, A455E |
1 infertile men with CBAVD
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17413420 |
Congenital absence o f the vas deferens ( CAVD)
45 patients wit h congenital ab sence of the va s deferens
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
12741342 |
CUAVD, azo ospermia
1 CUAVD, azoosp ermia PATIENT
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18796364 |
CBAVD, Mal e infertil ity
_F508, p.L375F |
Caucasi an, Tai wanese
4 (1CBAVD fathe r)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
18769034 |
P439S, P1290S, E1401K |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17588945 |
Involved i n the regu lation of epithelial sodium ch annels(ENa C) during capacitati on and thu s contribu te to the observed h yperpolari zation ass ociated wi th this pr ocess
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17398169 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD)
intron 6b (1001+5 G-->A) |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
15463840 |
W216X, G1349S, Q1352H |
Japanes e
72 (19 CBAVD pa tients, 53 norm al individuals)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
28776713 |
CBAVD, Mal e infertil ity
poly-T, TG repeats and c.1408A>G p.Met470Val (M470V) |
202 (76 men wit h CBAVD, 76 the ir female partn ers, 50 healthy men)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
9328474 |
CBAVD, Mal e infertil ity
IVS8-T genotype |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
8671256 |
May be inv olved in t he process of sperma togenesis or sperm m aturation, azoosperm ia
127 (80 healthy men with infer tility due to r educed sperm qu ality, 26 indiv iduals with nor mal semen param eters, 21 men with azoospermi a)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
28456595 |
Non-obstru ctive azoo spermia (N OA)
T5 allele and TG12-T5-V470 |
200 (100 NOA, 1 00 fertile cont rols)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
30450785 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD), Ma le inferti lity
c.4056G>C;p.Gln1352Cys, c.592G>C;p.Ala198Pro, c.3717G>A;p.Arg1239, IVS8-T5-TG13 |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
27488005 |
Male infer tility
c.1540A>G, c.2694T>G , c.4521G>A, IVS8-5T , c.621+91A>G, c.2752+106A>T, c.2751+85_88delTA, c.3120+529InsC, c.4375-69C>T, M470V, T854T, P1290P, Q1463Q, c.196+12T>C, c.875+40A>G, c.3041-71G>C, c.3271+42A>T, c.3272-93T>C, c.3500-140A>C and c.3601-65C>A |
37 (5 Indian in fertile males h aving CBAVD-URA , 32 halthy con trols )
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
27483469 |
Spermatoge nesis defe cts, Male infertilit y
Caucasi ans
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
26989879 |
CBAVD, Mal e infertil ity
p.Phe508del, p.Ser1251Asn |
Egyptia n
60 cystic fibro sis patients
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
26814065 |
Male infer tility
c.-195C > A |
61 (11 CBAVD pa tients,50 healt hy men as contr ol)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
24657265 |
Impairs sp ermatogene sis
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
29864494 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD), Ma le inferti lity
c.-150G?>?T, c.-205?T?>?C, c.-245C?>?T, c.-871G?>?T, c.-966?T?>?G and c.-1062G?>?C, c.-861delT |
126 (66 patient s with CBAVD, 6 0 healthy subje cts)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
29804404 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f the vas deferens ( CBAVD), Ma le inferti lity
13TG-5T/12TG-5T |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21976147 |
Male infer tility, CA VD obstruc tive azoos permia
103 (53 inferti le men with non -CAVD obstructi ve azoospermia and 50 normal m en as control i ndividuals)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
21625623 |
Impaired s permatogen esis, Azoo spermia
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
29713536 |
Sperm numb er defects
c.350G?>?A (p.Arg117His) |
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
31672438 |
Congenital bilateral absence o f vas defe rens (CBAV D)
p.(Arg117Cys), p.(Arg1158*), p.(Asp110His), p.(Ser945Leu), p.(Arg248Thr), p.(Phe508Cys), p.(Gly463Ser), p.(Phe508del), p.(Arg117His) |
1112 idiopathic infertile men with azoospermi a or severe oli gozoospermia. P re-screening ex clusion criteri a were CBAVD by clinical exami nation with pos itive CFTR sequ ence analysis a s part of routi ne fertility wo rkup
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
31709488 |
Congenital aplasia o f vas defe rens (CAVD )
c.50dupT;p.S18Qfs*27, IVS9-TG13-5T |
2 cases
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
31356021 |
Male infer tility
F508del, CFTRdel21kb, 1677delTA, 2143delT, W1282X and 5T |
885 infertile m en
Male infertility |
Snapshot PCR
Show abstract |
31845523 |
Congenital absence o f vas defe rens (CAVD )
p.Val562Ile variant |
Caucasi an
51 apparently h ealthy infertil e men and 2 new born twin broth ers with bilate ral absence of the vas deferen s
Male infertility |
Show abstract |
17327269 |
Teratozoos permia
19 (6 controls , 13 cases)
Male infertility |
GSE6872 analyzed by GEO2R (cutoff 1.5 fold)
Show abstract |
28606200 |
Cryptorchi dism
Monozgotic twin s (1 control, I cwith cryptorc hidism)
Male infertility |
Show abstract |